Requirements and
Literature study
The history of the gas turbine
Looking back at the history, the idea of the gas and steam turbines dates back to
1791 when John Barber’s patent described new
uid gasses as a potential energy
source (Giampaolo, 2006). The invention of John Barber may be considered a
gas turbine, where the gas produced by heating the coal was mixed with air,
then compressed and after that burnt. The result of this operation was a high
speed jet that had an e ect on the radial blades of the turbine wheel rim (Day,
1980). Nonetheless, Barber’s idea of a gas turbine as the ideas of his predecessors
(Giovanni Branca’s impulse steam turbine – 1629, Leonardo da Vinci’s smoke
mill” – 1550, and Hero of Alexandria’s reaction steam turbine – 130 BC (Usher,
1988)) were considered only ideas and there is no evidence of a working hardware
until the late 19 th
century (Giampaolo, 2006).
However, throughout the next centuries, new ideas were put into practice
which led to the development of a working hardware by the end of the 19 th
century. In 1903, Rene Armengaud and Charles Lemale produced the
rst gas
turbine, which was using a Rateau rotary compressor and a Curtis velocity com-
pounded steam turbine (Giampaolo, 2006). The development of more powerful
and more e cient gas turbines continued and new types of fuels were researched.
Therefore, in the 1990s, it was found that after coal, natural gas is the next in
line as the most important fossil fuel for generating electricity (Breeze, 2016).
This new discovery o ered a high-e ciency power plant, which were cheap to
build and could produce cheap electricity, depending on the price of the gas.
They were more sustainable, as the emissions of carbon dioxide were lower than
the coal-
red power plants. The use of natural gas for power generation had a continuously growth
throughout the 21 st
century (Breeze, 2016). The high demand of natural gas
for power generation had been in
uenced by the cost, and climate change. The
combustion of natural gas produced less carbon dioxide which represented an
ideal solution to meet the limits implemented for the carbon dioxide emissions.
Due to the developments made, at the moment, the gas turbine represents the
most important machine generating electricity from natural gas.
The working principle of a gas turbine
Gas turbines are engines where the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into
mechanical energy. There are two types of gas turbines, the power generation
gas turbines, which produce shaft energy, and gas turbines which produce kinetic
energy, in terms of thrust, used to propel an aircraft (Schobeiri, 2017). The gas
turbine has three main components, namely the compressor, the combustor and
the turbine. A heavy duty power generation gas turbine is shown in
g. 1. Figure 1: Heavy duty power generation gas turbine(Schobeiri, 2017)
The compression system in a gas turbine generates, in the most e cient way,
the pressure ratio required by the cycle. It represents the
rst signi
cant part
of the Brayton cycle, where the rotating blades of the compressor apply power
to the working
uid. The main elements of a compressor are the moving rotor
blade followed by a stator or vane. The blade is driven by the shaft using power
from the turbine rotor blades (Kurzke and Halliwell, 2018).
The purpose of the combustion process is to increase the temperature of the
ow by burning the fuel. Combustion e ciency is an important aspect in
the design process, and it is essential to be taken into consideration with respect
to the operating variables of air pressure, temperature and mass
ow rate. The
most popular model of the combustion process is based on the notion that the
total time required to burn a liquid fuel is represented by the sum of the times
required for fuel evaporation, mixing of fuel vapor with air and combustion
products, and chemical reaction (Lefebvre, 1998). The turbine extracts the hot gasses created from the ignited mixture, in the
combustion chamber, and it transforms it into work. This work can be used to
generate electrical power or thrust for an aircraft.
The future of the gas turbine
Due to the environmental crisis that the human race is facing, the demand
for sustainable products increased signi
cantly over the past years. The big
industries have to adapt to the new regulations and adopt more sustainable
and environmentally friendly ethics. Therefore, the gas turbines industries is
looking into alternative fuels, in order to have a lower carbon footprint. The
ideal situation is to be able to produce energy from renewable sources, such as
wind, sun, water or biomass. An alternative solution is using gas, as it is much
easier to store, and convert it into energy. Sustainability is a very important
topic at the moment and many resources are used by the industries in order to
lower the overall emissions.
Gas Turbines with Heat exchanger
Fuel burn is of high importance at the moment due to the e ect of the carbon
dioxide and other emissions of the environment. These emissions together with
noise generations have tougher regulations nowadays and they are monitored
worldwide to make sure they comply to the international rules that govern
emissions (Kurzke and Halliwell, 2018). The amount of fuel needed in gas
turbines can be reduced signi
cantly by introducing a heat exchanger. This is
used to transfer a part of the exhaust energy to the entrance of the combustion
chamber (Kurzke and Halliwell, 2018). A heat exchanger is a device used for the transfer of thermal energy, also
known as enthalpy, between two or more
uids, a solid surface and a
uid or
solid particulates and a
uid, at di erent temperatures and in thermal contact.
A heat exchanger is classi
ed according to transfer processes, number of
degree of surface compactness, construction features,
ow arrangements and
heat transfer mechanisms (Shah and Sekulic, 2003). Usually, in a heat exchanger there is no external heat or work interactions.
The standard use is represented by the heating or cooling of a
uid steam, evap-
oration or condensation of
uid steams, recovering or rejecting heat or sterilize,
distill, concentrate, crystallize or control of a process
uid. Even though for
some heat exchangers the
uids exchanging heat are in direct contact, in most
machines, the
uids are being separated by a heat transfer surface so they do
not mix or leak. These are named direct transfer typeorrecuperators . On the
other hand, the machines where discontinuous heat exchange between the hot
and cold
uids is produced, by means of energy storage and release through the
surface, are known as indirect transfer typeorregenerators (Shah and Sekulic,
The most frequent types of heat exchangers are shell-and-tube exchangers,
automobile radiators, condensers, evaporators, air preheaters and cooling tow-
ers. Another type is the sensible heat exchanger, which implies that there is no
change of phase in any of the
uids involved. In a heat pipe exchanger, the heat
pipe promotes the transfer of heat by condensation, evaporation and conduction
of the working
uid inside the heat pipe (Shah and Sekulic, 2003).
The elements of a heat exchanger are divided in two categories, namely heat
transfer elements , such as core or matrix containing the heat transfer surface,
uid distribution elements , such as headers, manifolds, tanks, inlet and
outlet nozzles or pipes, or seals. The surface that is in direct contact with the
uids is called the heat transfer surface. This is also the surface through which
heat is transfer by conduction. The surface in direct contact to the
uids is
the primary anddirect surface . To increase the surface area, extensions can be
connected to the direct surface, these are called extented,secondary orindirect
surface , and they are referred to as
ns. The implementation of
ns increases
the total heat transfer from the surface by reducing the thermal resistance (Shah
and Sekulic, 2003). Besides the important role that heat exchanges is playing in the process,
power, petroleum, transportation, air-conditioning, refrigeration, cryogenic, heat
recovery, alternative fuel and manufacturing industries; they are also essential
for industrial products available on the market. These di erent type of ex-
chagers can be categories is numerous ways, according to the transfer process,
number of
uids and heat transfer mechanisms (Shah and Sekulic, 2003).
Tube-Fin Heat Exchangers
In a conventional tube-
n heat exchanger, the transfer of heat between two
uids happens through the tube wall. However, in a heat pipe exchanger (a
specialized type of tubular heat exchanger), tubes closed at both ends act as
an wall and the transfer of heat between
uids happens through this dividing
wall” by conduction, evaporation and condensation of the heat pipe
uid (Shah
and Sekulic, 2003).
Conventional Tube-Fin Exchangers
In a gas-to-liquid heat exchanger, the heat transfer coe cient of the liquid is
usually one order of magnitude higher than the on of the gas. Therefore, to have
balance regarding the thermal conductivity on both sizes,
ns are used on the
gas size in order to increase the surface area. Moreover, if one
uid has a higher
pressure, it is more economical to implement tubes. The most common tubes are
round and rectangular. Usually the
ns are places on the outside, attached to
the tubes by a tight mechanical
t, tension winding, adhesive bonding, soldering,
brazing, welding, or extrusion (Shah and Sekulic, 2003). Tube-
n exchangers fall under di erent categories, depending on the
type. These categories are:
nned tube exchanger, shown in
g. 2, having
ns on individual tubes; tube-
n exchangers, shown in
g. 3, having
ns; longitudinal
ns on individual tubes, shown in
g. 4 (Shah and Sekulic,
Figure 2: Individually
nned tubes (Shah and Sekulic, 2003)
Figure 3: Flat (continuous)
ns on an array of tubes. The
ns are shown as
ns, but they can be wavy, louvered, or interrupted. (Shah and Sekulic,
Figure 4: Longitudinal
ns on individual tubes: (a) continuous plain; (b) cut
and twisted; (c) perforated; (d) internal and external longitudinal
ns. (Shah
and Sekulic, 2003)
A heat exchanger with
ns is usually cheaper per unit surface area of heat
transfer due to its simple and mass-production design features. Longitudinal
are commonly used for condensation and for viscous liquids in double-pipe heat
exchangers. Shell-and-tube exchangers may use low
nned tubes to increase the
surface area on the shell side when the shell-side heat transfer coe cient is low,
in comparison to the tube-side coe cient, such as with highly viscous liquids,
gases, or condensing refrigerant vapors. Tube-
n exchangers can withstand
very high pressures on the tube side. The temperature is limited by the type
of bonding, materials employed, and material thickness. Tube-
n exchangers
usually are less compact than plate-
n units (Shah and Sekulic, 2003).
An air-cooled exchanger is a tube-
n exchanger where hot processed
ow inside the tubes, and the atmospheric circulated outside by forced or in-
duced draft over the extended surface. When used in a cooling tower, and the
uid is water, it is called dry cooling tower. This type of exchanger has
shallow tube bundles and large face area (Shah and Sekulic, 2003).
Plate-and-frame heat exchangers
The keystone in the reduction of fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emis-
sions is represented by e cient heat recuperation. The plate heat exchangers
are used as a tool to increase heat recovery and e ciency of energy usage. Heat
exchangers must comply to the requirements for the minimal temperature dif-
ferences. This conditions can be satis
ed by a plate heat exchanger, hereinafter
referred to as PHE (Arsenyeva et al., 2011). PHEs are, at this moment, the most e cient types of heat transfer equip-
ment. It requires less material for heat transfer surface production, as it is
more compact than the conventional heat exchangers. Because of this, it has
a smaller footprint than typical shell and tubes units. The main advantages of
PHEs are the compactness, low total cost, less fouling,
exibility in changing the
heat transfer surface area and accessibility. Flexibility represents the structural
characteristic of the PHEs, as the heat transfer surface area can be changed
easily. This is done by adding a step equal to heat transfer area of one plate.
To assure that PHEs comply to the required heat loads and pressure losses, the
manufacturers produce plates with di erent sizes, heat transfer surface areas
and geometrical forms corrugations (Arsenyeva et al., 2011). The most important property of PHE design is the fact that the conditions
implemented for the heat transfer process can be complied with by using a num-
ber of di erent plates. When selecting the most suitable plate, the optimization
criterion is taken into consideration. Consequently, to design an optimal PHE,
taking into consideration the process conditions, a wise selection for the best
option, from available alternative options of plates with di erent geometrical
characteristics, must be made. A mathematical model is used to make the right
decision, by estimating the performance of the di erent alternative options.
This should be accurate enough with small numbers of parameters that can be
ed on a data available for commercial plates (Arsenyeva et al., 2011).An
example of streams
ows through channels in multi-pass PHE is shown in
g. 5. Figure 5: An example of streams
ows through channels in multi-pass PHE
(Arsenyeva et al., 2011)
Air-to-air heat exchanger
Heat exchangers are used in ventilation systems which are installed in resi-
dential, commercial and industrial buildings to eliminate heat or moisture to a
second air stream (Chagnot, 1991). An air-to-air heat exchanger is a ventilation
system that transfers the heat of the exhausted stale air to the inbound fresh
and cold air. This process is maintaining the heating cost within reasonable
limits. The air-to-air heat exchangers are complex hardware and consequently
costly to manufacture (Courchesne, 1987). Air-to-air heat/energy recovery ventilators are very popular for heating, ven-
tilation and air-conditioning purposes. These ventilators are necessary in these
systems in order to reduce the energy consumption for ventilation and the green-
house air emissions, particularly in hot and humid or cold climates. In these
systems, the fresh air coming from outside and the indoor stale air enter the
heat exchanger though two separated sides. Sensible heat, latent heat or both
are transferred from one air stream to the other. This process depends on the
temperature and moisture gradients.When warm and humid exhaust air passes
over the surface of the cold plate of an exchanger, water vapor condenses and
frost is formed on the surface if the plate temperature is lower than the dew
point of the air and the freezing point of the water. In cold climates zones,
such as Canada and northern Europe, frost often forms in the device during
the winter and it can a ect the productivity of heat exchangers. This frosting
problem is especially important when the outdoor temperature is very low (Liu
et al., 2016).
Arsenyeva, O. P., Tovazhnyansky, L. L., Kapustenko, P. O., and Khavin, G. L. (2011). Optimal design of plate-and-frame heat exchangers for e cient heat
recovery in process industries. Energy, 36(8):4588{4598.
Breeze, P. (2016). Gas-turbine power generation . Academic Press.
Chagnot, B. J. (1991). Air to air recouperator. US Patent 5,069,272.
Courchesne, G. (1987). Air-to-air heat exchanger. US Patent 4,653,575.
Day, J. (1980). Engines: the search for power . St. Martin’s Press.
Giampaolo, T. (2006). Gas turbine handbook: principles and practice . Fairmont
Kurzke, J. and Halliwell, I. (2018). Propulsion and Power: An Exploration of
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Lefebvre, A. H. (1998). Gas turbine combustion. CRC press.
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Shah, R. K. and Sekulic, D. P. (2003). Fundamentals of heat exchanger design.
John Wiley & Sons.
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History of Mechanical Inventions1929 .