125 words reply to each questions
Well what a ride this class has been. Dr. Doyle, your no late work policy did wonders for me. This is the first class that I can think of in which I didn’t have something late. The class as a whole was fine you walked us through each of the steps we needed to have in order to put our papers together as required. The class was a good refresher to some of us (mainly me) on how to write a formal paper such as this one was. In my preparation and gathering data for my own paper I would emphasize the importance of a strong well thought of and put together outline. This was a place of weakness for my own paper which I had to elaborate more on to get me where I needed to be on my own work. Once I gathered the information I needed to cover I was able to produce more informative paper.
As far as the delivery of the material I have nothing against the way on which it was delivered. The only thing I wish we could adjust would have to be the forum. I see the forum as an opportunity to converse about a topic. I have always been against word counts. I try to understand the necessity for it and in the past it has been said to demonstrate class participation. However, any time I have sat through a class my interactions have been with the person teaching the class and not with fellow students unless we collectively were working on a project and it was required. Don’t get me wrong I have enjoyed reading and responding to my classmates, I don’t like that we have to ensure that we have a certain number of words added to our forum. I can only think of one class that did not have a word count and I feel like there was more interaction on the forum in that class than in classes that had a word count. Or, it could be that I am lazy.
First I would like to congratulate everyone in this class. We have finished and ready to receive our degrees. Although this has been a long journey for some short for others I believe that hard work paid off in the end. In reference to this week’s discussion, I would like to say two interesting things I learned in this course was the APA 6th&7th edition format and Peregrine testing which I just finished a couple of minutes ago.
There were so many different things I learned about formatting my paper according to APA 6&7 edition. I learned that we must include the authors name, date of publication and page number when using in-text citation. I also learned that we can shorten the number of authors to just one and add et al to include all the authors in the citation. Some of the other things that I also learned is how to properly format your paper. This means adding headings and making the heading on page 1 different than the rest of the pages. When writing a a paper, I learned that you should include an abstract. Abstract is basically explaining your topic, the factors that pertains to your topic and how you as the writer plan to show whether you agree or disagree with the topic being presented. The supporting details in the paper will help to sway readers on the topic.
The Peregrine Testing is something that I was not expecting. This test basically assessed the student on their knowledge of the criminal justice system. In taking this test, I was not provided a study guide or any material relating to helping me to pass with flying colors. Although I didn’t receive a guide, I believe I did really well on this test. I think the Peregrine Test is great because it gives you an opportunity to assess what you have learned, what you need to brush up on and what you have excelled on since starting college.
Last but least, one important area of taking classes and writing research papers revolves around plagiarism. Under the Turnitin-Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism I learned that the Turnitin system is designed to help the student assess whether the paper they are writing contains more of the authors work and not their own. This program assess the paper and give a scoring based off citation. Anything above 20% shows that the student paper contains more of the author’s work instead of the student own thoughts. This is a great tool because it has a report that shows the student how to fix their paper and remove some of the direct quotes in their paper. This saves the student from receiving a failing grade due to them not following the professor directions on writing a research paper.
Owl.Purdue.edu(n.d.) APA Format and Style Guide
Retrieved from https://www.owl.purdue.edu