Have you ever been treated equal? Have you ever met ethical considerations and fair process? A view of recent research over thirty years ago, demonstrates that justice is the first virtue of social institutions describing the nature of transaction costs and their consequences for institutional governance. This elevates decision-making procedure, provides equity and develops acceptance of rules and decisions that depart from individual or group self-interest. The basic problem that has to be solved via social cooperation is that everyone cannot have everything they want at the same time.
Everyone cannot have the resources they desire for themselves to which they belong. They cannot live in a society or organization that always follows the policies they prefer and they cannot cannot have their preferred status or social position. Hence, people need to be willing to accept changes, outcomes, and policies that they do not view as desirable. Human life faces a steady increase in the potential for interpersonal and intergroup conflict.
The rising of resolution affects people’s views about what is just or fair. Unlike an oil, justice creates concept of physical reality. As a consequence, it is an important topic of concern to diplomats to those who seek to prevent, contain, or end social conflicts.
Not all individuals can accept an unfortunate outcome as long as the process is fair and they are treated with interpersonal dignity. If justice were based exclusively on obtaining benefits, then one would expect a higher association. In a form of social considerations, people are social animals. We wish to be accepted and valued by important others while not being exploited or harmed by powerful decision-makers. Treatment tells us that we are respected and esteemed by the larger group. This sense of belonging is important to us even apart from the economic benefits. In line with ethical considerations, people also care about justice because they believe it is the morally appropriate way others should treated. Through this mechanism, injustice may spread ill will throughout a work group. In a system, reseach appraise distributive, procedual, and interactional justice that tend to be correlated. They can be meaningfully treated as three components of overall fairness and can work together with appropriateness. Distributive justice is concerned with the reality that not all workers are treated alike. It was hoped that people would be willing to accept fair outcomes and execute equity. According to equity theory, we are interested in how much we get relative to how much we contribute. Allocating social-emotional aspect equally signals that everyone in the organization matters and is worthy of respect. Moreover, procedual justice establishes certain principles specifying and governing the roles of participants within the decision-making processes. A just process in which one is applied consistently to all, accurate and correctable. This shows that fair process effect can mitigate the ill effects of unfavorable outcomes. As it goes beyond, procedural justice seems to be essential in maintaining institutional legitimacy that could lead to intellectual and emotional recognition. In a sense, interactional justice plays a vital role in treating a person. The informational justice that provides adequate justifications and the interpersonal justice that somehow refers to the respect and dignity with which one treats another. This can be done through cognitive, affective and behavioral reactions. On the contrary, their feelings have an important ethical and moral component. This provides an approach to the constructive resolution of social conflicts.
People value having respect shown for their rights and for their status within society. They are aware that in the process of dealing with authorities, their dignity as an individual is recognized and acknowledged. More than any other issue, treatment with dignity and respect is something that authorities can give to everyone with whom they deal. A concept of fair and just relations between individual and society that is measured by explicit in terms of personal gain and social privileges. Each has the potential to designate some as “winners” and as “losers. This is to fulfil their societal roles and receive what was their due from society. After all, there will always be people who fail to get what is right. As a result, justice talks mainly about fairness with different levels over a period of time. A justice that everyone should prevail in the hands of our society in a fair manner with discipline and character. One should attain what he/she deserves in the process of equity that is never the same for all. However, it does hold out the possibility that power will be used in accordance with normative principles that respect the dignity of all involved. It is also the right thing to do.