IntroductionIn this course work I will discuss about human Essay


In this course work I will discuss about human resources for that aid I will use two journals in this topic – “Human resource practices and migrant workers’ turnover intentions: The roles of post?migration place identity and justice perceptions” by Hongyu Zhang, Xiaobei Li, Stephen J. Frenkel, Jianjun Zhang, other journal is “The case for psychology in human resource management research” by Ashlea C. Troth1, David E. Guest and book “Management and organizational behaviour” by Laurie Mullins

Quantitative approach


Migrant workers who go to other countries to find job.

They are an important part of the world-wide employees (accounting for about 190.9 million people in 2017 A major contest for groups employing migrant workers is their high turnover rate , which surpasses that of local workers by 30% or more in some zones .HR systems may have an defective impact on travelling workers because they do not certainly share the same standards and things as local workers ( Zhang, H.& Li, X. , 2017)

The first aim of my second journal is to address and disprove criticisms of the psychological influence to HRM research.

The second aim is to prove how a psychological viewpoint is contributing to HRM research. This has not before been assumed in the context of the HRM literature. In so doing, we also increase questions about the nature of the modern influence to HRM research provided by other punitive perspectives. (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)

Background and hypothesis

Following Wright and Nishii, we definite HR practices at the organisational level and measured them using a 7?point, 20?item scale developed by Delery and Doty and modified in Chinese study. We left out one immaterial dimension, profit sharing, because few migrant workers benefit from this practice. Senior managers were asked to evaluate the extent to which the firm had accepted the following six HR practices: training, participation, job description, internal career opportunity, employment security, and result?oriented appraisal. Sample items included “wide training programs are provided for persons” (? = 0.95). Following the work of other academics, an index score was industrialised employing an additive approach to measure HR practices as a system. (Zhang, H.& Li, X., 2017)

In second journal examination of human resource management (HRM) journals reveals the general use of psychological ideas and theories. This has not gone ignored by scholars from other disciplines who have sometimes been critical of what they see as the unwelcome but progressively extensive role of psychology within HRM research, what Godard termed the psychologising of HRM. Their censures, which have textured among other places in previous HRMJ incitements, increase some concerns. They matter because behind them is the implication that a psychological perspective either threatens progress in HRM research or sends it in the wrong direction. For example, they contend that psychological research is unduly managerial and unitarist that it is highly individualistic and is overly wedded to a quantitative methodology. These kinds of gross simplifications require a response which, to date, has not been approaching. (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)


We geocentric or world-wide approach can use in migrant employee’ case. This is structural strategy is to manage people on a global basic. HMR practices are therefore generally reliable across companies. Strategies and policies are developed with inputs from headquarters and subsidiaries. The approach may be careful suitable in organizations with a strong and individual company ethos. (Mullins, Laurie, 1999)

Despite important attention in the attributions employees make about their organization’s human resource (HR) practices, there is little understanding of the antecedents of HR attributions. Picture on attribution theory, we suggest that HR attributions are influenced by info (perceptions of distributive and technical justice), beliefs (organizational cynicism), and motivation (perceived significance). We test a model through a two?wave survey of 347 academic faculty in the United Kingdom, examining their attributions of the purpose of their institution’s workload management framework. After two initial studies (an interview study and a cross?sectional survey) to found contextually pertinent attributions, we find that fairness and cynicism are important for the formation of internal attributions of commitment but less so for cost?saving or abuse ascriptions. Justice and pessimism also interact such that distributive fairness buffers the negative attributional effect of cynicism, and individuals are more likely to attribute fair events to external forces if they are cynical about their organization. (Hewett, R, Shantz, A. & Mundy, J., 2019)

Main findings and recommendations of each academic journals.

In this migration research are used collection data from 1985 employers in 141 firms most of the people were eventful to complete their job and in future will be good the interviewer sample be small to reach better truth results. (Mullins, Laurie, 1999)

We have exemplified the types of influence we have in mind first with what we believe are examples of important developing research subjects such as the influence of AI, inclusiveness at work, and thought of QWL in the context of the increasing gig economy; and second by highlighting continuing research topics close to the “heart” of HRM such as the link between HRM, presentation and well?being, the trials of HR application, and the management of the changing employment connection. In each of these areas, W/O psychology has a major part to play but, we have argued, will do so most effectively when set within a wider analytic context. (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)

Qualitative approach


Constructive sets of human resource (HR) practices—commonly referred to as a high?presentation work system— designed to improve workers’ ability, motivation, and opportunities for contribution, have been shown to improve employee holding. However, these HR systems may have a partial impact on migrant workers because they do not necessarily share the same values and interests as local workers This view is consistent with the increasing emphasis in the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) literature on individual characteristics as antecedents to employee perceptions and attributions of HR practices. (Zhang, H.& Li, X., 2017)

The third aim is to outline and illustrate how psychology can contribute most productively to HRM research when it is combined into a multidisciplinary, multilevel, multistakeholder, and multimethod approach. This ranges earlier analysis of the HRM research agenda. It is based on our view that HRM as an area of enquiry is best served by such an approach, and if HRM research is to flourish, we need to step out of our disciplinary silos. We identify several new as well as some established but unsettled areas of enquiry, outline?related research questions, illustrate the distinctive influence of psychological research, and present both the possible of, and the challenges of integrating psychological research with other analytic viewpoints. (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)

Background and hypothesis lace identity is an infrastructure of self?identity that links “who we are” to “where we are.” To live somewhere is not enough for place uniqueness. Migrant try to accept the situation where they live now because they escape from bad living conditions in their place of origin. They may want to become modern, find better scenarios for themselves and their children (meaning motive), gain positive feelings about themselves by psychologically linking to a more advanced area (self?esteem motive), expand their social network through contacts with local people (belonging motive), and acquire new knowledge and skills unfamiliar to their complements in their hometown. The workers use their outside and inside work experience to have proper behaviour. (Zhang, H.& Li, X., 2017)

The first topic in second journal is the gap between intended and implemented HR practices sparkly the call to give greater importance to HR procedures. Much research has explored the concept of a strong HR system, which needs a multilevel framework. The failure to establish the measures of the proposed dimensions suggests that it is time to rethink this concept, perhaps supported initially by qualitative research. W/O psychologists have contributed to this topic by using attribution theory and signalling theory to explore how employees observe the drive behind HR practices. Despite the initial supposition that HR policy could be attributed to external and internal factors, most research has ignored external factors. A multilevel approach, taking full account of official factors such as lawgiving on HR practices, would augment this line of research. There is also little research on the role of resistance when certain HR practices, perhaps those allied to performance management, are negatively perceived. Further development of HR implementation theory is warranted. Allied to this, we know very little about the processes whereby HR practices are introduced and uncontrolled by groups and the role of official factors against individual proactivity on the part of HR or other managers. W/O psychology can offer insights at the separate and group levels, but advances in information will benefit importantly by speaking them within a multilevel outline (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)


In migrant situation we can use method “achieving objective” The staff have set of objectives to achieve. The method helps where we can put that the personal are coming from different background and objectives must renew with that circumstance. (Mullins, Laurie, 1999)

I psychological case we can apply the “meeting objectives” method which means a good system where management hire their staff without making them fell exploited. That happened when used method base in use “agreement” and “contract”. Members of staff create a brief document, agreed with their supervisor, which sets out the individual’s future role to the business plan of the organization. (Mullins, Laurie, 1999)

Main findings and recommendations of each academic journals

In first journal made their research in Chine and that make quality question about globalization of problem will be the same in other background. The authors write that maybe this problem will have similar in other country too because the migrant have reason to stay to work in different environment. (Zhang, H.& Li, X., 2017)

Clearly, there is also a need to demonstrate the benefits of the challenging approach we have outlined. In the meantime, we believe it needs advocating to stimulate the kind of vigour and innovation required if HRM research is to flourish in the years ahead. (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)

Literature review

Critically review the literature of any of the two relevant academic journals and a book used for Qualitative approach

The study method should reflect the environment of the investigation question. Careful theory testing with clear hypotheses, ideally using longitudinal data and sometimes complex statistical analysis, an approach often favoured by psychologists, has a valuable place in HRM research; but it also has limits. We trust that developments in HRM theory and research require both quantitative and qualitative research methods. In noting the nonappearance of data on why HR practices are introduced or dropped, it is likely that such questions might best be answered by semi historical analysis, evaluation of HR trends and styles, and high?value case trainings. There is also a fertility in the use of critical events to answer the “why” and “how” questions that can less easily be explored with measurable methods. What is required is a suitable amalgamation of quantitative and qualitative research; HRM research is more likely to advance through procedural pluralism than narrow persistence on the advantage of a specific method.

Qualitative approach is method that search in a qualitive decision of researching program. I make research in two journals one was problem for migrant employers and other for phycological knowledge in help of human resource help for workers. In both journal the two cases are considered with deep knowledge and with very good references.

The first journal first stays the questions about generalizability. Their response is to contend that theory and conclusions apply more normally, though with requirement. This is because our dispute and theories rest on three expectations which we believe to be valid in many other nationwide situations. First, these employees are moved to visit in the place to which they have travelled; therefore, they use the lens of association of the new place to observe and assess HR practices. Second, these workers are apparent by local people as migrants. So, they are delicate to HR applies that are possibly valued incomes for reaching long?term placement and social receipt. Third, these workers involvement uniqueness pressures as of partial treatment within and outside the workplace; therefore, their place identity will vary in stability and coherence. Although it is possible for migrant workers not to satisfy one or more of the above?mentioned assumptions—for example, if they are hired on short?term, non-renewable contracts and so have no intention of residual in their new place, or they may be so similar to the local populace in culture, language, and customs that they are efficiently integrated into local society—such circumstances just warn against a claim to universality, which is not what we are propositioning. (Zhang, H.& Li, X., 2017)

In second journal showed the types of influence we have in mind first with what we believe are samples of significant emergent investigation issues such as the effect of AI, generality at work, and reflection of QWL in the context of the growing gig economy; and second by highlighting persisting research topics close to the “heart” of HRM such as the link between HRM, presentation and well?actuality, the tests of HR application, and the organisation of the varying service connection. In each of these areas, W/O psychology has a main share to show but, we have claimed, will do so most efficiently when set within a broader logical background. We supporter this approach in the knowledge that there are substantial burdens to follow investigation on microlevel subjects using practises likely to get available in many leading journals and which also reflect current management programs. Knowing this, our appeal is for what we strength term thoughtful investigation so that even in emerging topics at a microlevel and discrete?level, full consideration is certain to the four norms we have set out as guides to real HRM research. Evidently, there is also a need to prove the aids of the stimulating method we have drew. In the interim, we believe it needs advocating to stimulate the kind of vigour and novelty required if HRM research is to curlicue in the years fast. (Troth, A. & Guest, D, 2019)


To conclude, I choose Human Resource journals for my business project. Discussed qualitive and quantitative approach for my chosen article with its aims.


Zhang, H.& Li, X. 2017) Human resource practices and migrant workers’ turnover intentions: The roles of post?migration place identity and justice perceptions HumResourManag[Online]Availablefrom: [Assessed on 19/05/2019]

Mullins, Laurie (1999) Management and organizational behaviour Fifth Edition Pearson Educational Limited

Troth, A. & Guest, D. (2019) The case for psychology in human resource management research John Willey & Sons [Online] Available from: [Assessed on 22/5/2019]

Hewett, R, Shantz, A. & Mundy, J. (2019) Information, beliefs, and motivation: The antecedents to human resource attributions. John Willey & Sons [Online] Available from: [Assessedon22/5/2019]

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