Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

Introduction to Abnormal Psychology



An enlisted man in the Air Corps had some previous experience as a private pilot. After

a disagreement with his wife, he decided to punish her by committing suicide.

Choosing the most dramatic method he could think of, he took off in a large,

unattended aircraft and made several passes at the local river, each time pulling up

before he plunged in. Very soon, all other aircrafts were diverted to other cities, and

the local control tower was concentrating on trying to persuade him to change his

mind. He finally agreed, but then he discovered that although he knew how to take off,

he did not know how to land the unfamiliar plane. After some tense interchanges with

the tower control, however, he managed to get the plane down. When the military

police arrived at the plane, he found himself unable to remember his name or anything

about his identity, his present situation, or the events leading up to it.

Case Outline


Analyze the symptoms of individuals, properly diagnose their disorders…


1. Read the assigned case vignette

2. Diagnosis the psychological disorder

3. After diagnosis check with me to make sure its correct diagnosis


1. Assume the reader has no specific knowledge of psychological disorders

2. Type, doubled spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font

3. Use proper APA style citations (For help with format and guidelines, from Moodle, go to the squares symbol [blocks links] > select library guides from the drop down > click on Research Assistance > Citation Management > APA Style [citation guidelines and formatting are here])

4. Be sure to include a title page and (title should be your diagnosis and case study number)

5. Each section should include a heading as shown below

·  Diagnosis (Intro)

·  Highlighted Manifestations (symptoms/behaviors)

·  Etiological Dimension(s) (Discuss the multipath model/biological, psychological, social, sociocultural dimensions; if a single dimension is focused on be sure to provide understanding on the influence)

·  Effective Treatment Options

·  Conclusion


APA Format and Mechanics: 10 points

APA citations (peer reviewed, scholarly): 25 points

Diagnosis: 25 points

Etiological Dimension (s): 15 points

Effective Treatment Options: 15 points

Conclusion: 10 points

Total Possible Points: 100

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