American Dream
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It is estimated that for more than two decades, the economic prospect and the vision for increasing mobility have created a strong foundation to which the American story and past events have been anchored. These events are still inspiring individuals in remote lands to acquire America’s shores and keeping the steadfast confidence of the United States at home. From the hopes of the ancient settlers to the motivation of today’s growing and assorted population, the American Dream brings together its people in a common quest for personal and national growth. However, the current statistics suggest that this once firm ground may well be changing.
American Dream
The American dream certainly ought to still be attainable and conducive for all the citizens; however, the government has initiated some pretty essential barriers to achieving the laid down dream. First, proper education is the fundamental aspect to upward mobility; however, the country’s current public K-12 education strategy leaves many students unprepared to take part in the modern economy (Huffington, 2011). This aspect has to change with the aim of making the American dream achievable for the coming generation. It is also imperative that policy-makers ought to start thinking outside the box and acknowledge more systemic and effective reforms that would, in turn, keep the American dream alive. Everything must be laid clearly, and policy-makers are focusing on giving the parents more power and strategies for their teenager’s education as this would in turn force learning institutions to respond and compete for student’s more significant efficiency and excellent results.
Another factor that has continuously hindered the American dream is the poor public learning institutions since fulfilling this dream needs gainful employment. Americans require educational opportunities that will, in turn, enable them to compete in the 21st century, international economy and an economy that develops so that other upcoming opportunities for progress are present. Currently, the job opportunities are improving even though it does not exist for several Americans; moreover, too many others are operating in careers that do not make full use of their talents and skills. According to Platt, D. (2010), too high levies, burdensome policies and tremendous uncertainty about the laws under which businesses operate have made it hard for companies to strategize and expand and for entrepreneurs to stabilize in the market. The government thus has to develop its initiatives with the aim of improving the private sector and the entire business surrounding.
To be a middle-class person in the United States once described living well and possessed financial safety; however, today that privilege and satisfying mode of living all together has been hard and completely difficult to acquire. The ancient dream of America was centered on the notion that assiduous citizen can go in with their lives, pay for their everyday bills with minimal struggles, give their siblings a beginning to a better life, and still save enough to stay a comfortable life after the retirement age. However, several averages Americans are still struggling and worsen by the increasing costs, unstable wages, credit card dues and deteriorating benefits together with much less left over to salaries for retirement (Huffington, 2011). The American dream is the viewed as the choice and opportunity to acquire any individual goal a person may possess. The American dream still exists and can be controlled by every individual who wants to make it and is typically willing to work hard and reach for it. The notion in American as a land of prospect is likely to explain why rising disparity in American has brought so little on responsive from the policy-makers.
It is also significant to acknowledge that the American dream is still alive even though it cannot be achieved due to the already discussed issues together will much more such as discrimination in various economic sectors and societies as a whole. There has been constant discrimination towards people of different color and also gender inequality in various business fields and opportunities (Samuel, 2012). Women are not subjected to equal pay as men no matter if they operate on the same working hours or work as hard as men in different institutions. “Female doctors and surgeons are paid 70 percent less of what their male counterparts make” describes Joanne Lipman in the article “Let us Expose the Gender Pay Gap.” The women that have gone and successfully finished college earn close to seven percent less than men which makes the entire economic system rotten.
The destruction of the dollar as a result of the inflationary bank-credit increase strategically destroys the dreams of the current teenage generation and other American citizens. Due to the state mismanagement of the economy, the country is getting into the second largest depression since there is nothing that can be done about this problem. Even if the state were to recall its laws, suddenly, and get the country back to a sound dollar, the general effects of the past deeds are already a big problem (Platt, 2010). Modern research suggests that there exist low fiscal mobility in the United States that has long been assumed. The last several years have witnessed a substantial reduction in the median domestic income development as compared to the previous generations. In some measures, the country is a less mobile community than several other countries including France, Canada, Germany and several Scandinavian nations which is, in turn, a challenge to America the land of opportunity.
The inactive wages and wavering employment have assisted in creating returns and wealth disparity gaps that are currently reaching levels that America has not witnessed in close to a century. Since the wealthiest Americans are getting a inconsistent share of profits and wealth in America, the country’s dream of rising mobility from the lesser to the middle-class has all but disappeared (Hill & Torres, 2010). Since the wages have not kept with the pace of soaring housing price in significant places in the country, Americans should thus start making trade-offs and sacrifices. Also, a fifth of the entire employed Americans ought to start finding alternatives for supplementing their income keep up with the bills and other groceries. It is estimated that close to fifteen percent are costing more on their credit cards in paying for their monthly operating cost and close to twenty percent of employees have been obligated to give up their retirement safety.
In conclusion, many people feel that the American dream is not alive due to the economy and business; however, the country is full of opportunities and work thus it is upon a person to make the best out of his or her efforts. Therefore, the American dream is still alive and achievable since people have various individual lives. People might not end up becoming what they want in life, but that does not translate into becoming unsuccessful. The United States is full of existing opportunities and work that can be acquired through general knowledge and constant incorporation of efforts.
Hill, N. E., & Torres, K. (2010). Negotiating the American dream: The paradox of aspirations and achievement among Latino students and engagement between their families and schools. Journal of Social Issues, 66(1), 95-112.
Huffington, A. (2011). Third World America: How our politicians are abandoning the middle class and betraying the American dream. Broadway Books.
Platt, D. (2010). Radical: Taking back your faith from the American dream. Multnomah.
Samuel, L. R. (2012). The American dream: A cultural history. Syracuse University Press.