ABSTRACTTechnical know-how contributes consumer the power to examine products to label them and condemn them in equal measure, and more. Consequently abundant companies nowadays have pages on social networks to supplement the information apprehended about products, held by the feedback of consumers about products and tend to narrate more to a company after reading various reviews. This research paper is related to the impact of social media on consumer behavior, therefore it has been made a quantitative research. The sample counted 116 respondents and from the statistical perspective, the conclusions were established in terms of the univariate and bivariate analysis.

Ensuing the analysis of the research variables we can mark a consumer profile that uses social networks. Similarly, after doing the multifaceted statistical analysis using SPSS and the analysis offered by the online platform the host of questionnaire, it can be seen how much it is swayed and the real impact of social media replicated in the behavior changes. Key words: Social network, online buying, Consumer behavior.

JEL classification: M31, L86, N34.1. INTRODUCTION In current years the online environment is observed by users from a new perspective, in a commercial way. Its growth and the emergence of online stores have turned users into consumers. Also the most significant role of social media has changed the way of how consumers and marketers communicate. (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004). Informational society encouragement affects the consumer decision processes and product evaluations. Social media affords a new channel to acquire product information through peer communication, (Kozinets, 1999) Furthermore, by using social media, customers have the power to effect other buyers through reviews of products or services used. Customers are also persuaded by other psychosocial physiognomies like: income, purchase motivation, company presentation, company or brand’s presence on social networks, demographic variable (age, sex, disposable income etc.), workplace, process of payment, type of stores (online or physical), etc. In this paper we study the stimulus of social networks on the decision to purchase in the online users. The first section benevolates a brief introduction to the chosen theme, followed by pertinent information on literature review, where are accessible in the previous specialized studies. The second part pronounces the research methodology and data analysis. Lastly, we present conclusions, research limitations and some guidelines for future research study. 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Internet and virtual communities have transformed consumers, societies, and corporations with wide spread access to information, better social networking and enhanced communication abilities (Kucuk and Krishnamurthy, 2007). Therefore social networks are well-defined to be websites which connects millions of users from all over the world with same interests, views and hobbies. Blogs, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook are examples of social media that are prevalent between all levels of consumers. (Sin, et al., 2012). Users are consuming several online formats to communicate, (e.g., blogs, podcasts, social networks, bulletin boards, and wikis) to share ideas about a given product, service, or brand and contact other customers, who are apparent as further objective information sources. (Kozinets, 2002). The unsurpassed features of social media and its enormous admiration have transformed marketing practices such as advertising and elevation (Hanna, Rohn and Crittenden, 2011).Social media has also prejudiced consumer behavior from information acquisition to post-purchase behavior such as dissatisfaction statements or behaviors about a product or a company. (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Recently we can notice a prodigious influence of the companies on online networks. The websites of social media promotes a panorama for businesses to incorporate and interconnect with potential customers, inspire an increased sense of intimacy with customers, and create significant relationships with potential consumers. (Mersey, et al., 2010) Organizations need to distinguish by the company or brand image through which to communicate distinguishing advantages and positioning of the product. Numerous marketers trust that the organizations should belligerently stimulate only one advantage in the market concerned (Moise, 2011) and social networks in the online environment permits them to appear more eye-catching to consumers. The presence of corporate in social networks and yielding likes by users or inclusion in circles, lead posting a variable number of both positive and negative messages. A study made in 2018 shows that large majorities of the top 100 companies according to Internet Retailer had a profile on Facebook (79%), Twitter (69%) or both (59%). A study of Deloitte Touche USA exposed that 62% of US consumers read consumer spawned online reviews and 98% of them find these reviews consistent enough; 80% of these consumers said that reading these reviews has affected their buying goals (Industry statistics). (Pookulangaran, et al., 2011). Communication of brand by their company and users help to generate a favorable or less favorable image of other users who read information posted and contemplate them in the information or purchase. The observed risk of purchasing and how much money are agreeable to pay for a product also determines the user to think more about the quality and the utility of the product( Loanas, 2012). Preceding research has showed that even a small amount of negative information from a few postings can have substantial impacts on consumer attitudes (Schlosser, 2005). Palmer (1996) specified that individuals have a fundamental need for an expressive bond with high-involvement products that they buy. Brand enlargement and relationship development are harmonizing and interchangeable strategies toward this bonding.

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