How plausible is it that all temporal asymmetry might be reducible to thermodynamic asymmetry?

In this paper you are going to explore the question of time’s asymmetry. First, you are going to look at the different views on time. Then you are going to explain the block theorist’s view. After that, you are to consider the different arrows of time, being our reasons to believe that time is asymmetric. Then, you are to consider different reductions of these arrows to a single arrow, in particular the thermodynamic arrow. After that, you are going to look at the arguments for and against this view.


J.M.E. McTaggart argued, that time is not real. He considered two options for describing time. He says that position in time can either be characterised by properties or relations. The first series of events are called the A-series, and events can be present, past or future. Events in the B-series can only be described by statements about their relations, such as event X happened before event Y. McTaggart believed, that A series can not possibly describe the world in the right fashion, since a time can not be both future and past. Some answers were along the lines of events in the future will be past, and in the past were future once. However, McTaggart rejected these arguments, because we can try to explain the relations with a new time reference, but they are going to have the same properties, so it would f we introduce an other time plain, we do not solve issues, we only bring in more and more contradictories. McTaggart also thought that A-series are crucial in understanding time, since change is in the heart of everything, and only


With Einstein’s special theory of relativity, B theorists got in a better position, because of the relativity of simultaneity. It seems, that present mean different things for different observers, so it would be hard to make sense of the expression: present.

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