Creative orientation is supported by the need to create a personal vision. People who are intrinsically motivated live within the creative orientation. It is also powered by the need to be in control and direct one’s life. This is a dominant characteristic of an innovative leader (Anderson, Adams & Adams, 2015). Thus, creative orientation supports the analysis of business opportunities. As a creative leader, one will be able to identify opportunities most likely to lead strategic changes in line with the vision and objectives of the leader and organization. The leader learns to create new things and similarly take advantage of arising business opportunities. As a creatively oriented person, I can be an agent of change and embrace change. For instance, I was able to streamline the logistics of my organization b embracing new strategies.
Anderson, R. J., Adams, W. A., & Adams, B. (2015). Mastering leadership: An integrated f
ramework for breakthrough performance and extraordinary business results. John Wiley & Sons.