HouseHold Fixing Service’s A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by Bhargav Essay

House-Hold Fixing Service’s A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by Bhargav Ramoliya (150320107003) Dhrumil Patel (150320107070) Sagar Chokshi (150320107508) In partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L. J. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY AHMEDABAD YEAR, 2018-19 L. J. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT YEAR, 2018-19 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project entitled HOUSE-HOLD Fixing Services submitted by Bhargav Ramoliya (150320107003) towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering of L.

J. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad, under the Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad is the record of work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. In my opinion, the submitted work has reached a level required for being accepted for examination. The results embodied in this project, to the best of my knowledge, haven’t been submitted to any other university or institution for award of any degree or diploma.

Prof. Vishal Parikh Prof. Shweta Yagnik (Assistant Professor) (HOD – CE) L.J. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT YEAR, 2018-19 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project entitled HOUSE-HOLD Fixing Services submitted by Dhrumil Patel (150320107070) towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering of L.J. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad, under the Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad is the record of work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. In my opinion, the submitted work has reached a level required for being accepted for examination. The results embodied in this project, to the best of my knowledge, haven’t been submitted to any other university or institution for award of any degree or diploma. Prof. Vishal Parikh Prof. Shweta Yagnik (Assistant Professor) (HOD – CE) L.J. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT YEAR, 2018-19 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project entitled HOUSE-HOLD Fixing Services submitted by Sagar Chokshi (150320107508) towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering of L.J. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad, under the Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad is the record of work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. In my opinion, the submitted work has reached a level required for being accepted for examination. The results embodied in this project, to the best of my knowledge, haven’t been submitted to any other university or institution for award of any degree or diploma. Prof. Vishal Parikh Prof. ShwetaYagnik (Assistant Professor) (HOD – CE) GUJARAT TECHNOLOGYCAL UNIVERSITY Undertaking about originality of work We hereby certify that we are the sole authors of this IDP/UDP project report and that neither any part of this IDP/UDP project report nor the whole of the IDP/UDP Project report has been submitted for a degree by other student(s) to any other University or Institution. We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the current UDP Project report does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques, quotations or any other material from the work of other people included in our UDP Project report, published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that we have included copyrighted material that surpasses the boundary of fair dealing within the meaning of the Indian Copyright (Amendment) Act 2012, we certify that we have obtained a written permission from the copyright owner(s) to include such material(s) in the current UDP Project report and have included copies of such copyright clearances to our appendix. We have checked the write up of the present UDP Project report using anti-plagiarism database and it is in the allowable limit. In case of any complaints pertaining to plagiarism, we certify that we shall be solely responsible for the same and we understand that as per norms, University can even revoke BE degree conferred upon the student(s) submitting this UDP Project report, in case it is found to be plagiarized. Team: Name of Students Enrollment number Signature Bhargav Ramoliya 150320107003 Dhrumil Patel 150320107070 Sagar Chokshi 150320107503 Place: __________ Date: __________ Prof.Vishal Parikh (Signature of Guide) (Assistant Professor) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project would not have been possible without the guidance, technical and personal support of a number of people. I would like to thank all of them have contributed to this project directly and indirectly. I would like to thank my collage for giving us this opportunity to commence this project. I also like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff of my collage for their cooperation, and also our internal guide assistant Prof. Vishal Parikh for their encouragement and support and for helping us on our project. I wish to take this opportunity to express to all those, without whose help, completion of this project would have been difficult. I am glad to submit this project on House-Hold Fixing Services. The system which I have designed and created is the result of many people’s dedication. I would like to thanks all faculty members of college who gave us proper guidelines and helped us a lot in completing this project successfully. I have analyzed several systems on the web, And in various websites and applications. They all have contributed to this work. I have acknowledged most of them as references and further reading. ABSTRACT Household fixing service is our commitment to bring professionalism, good service and trust to the home repair service and maintenance business. We take immense pride in sending some of the most professional handymen to your homes to fix things that aren’t working. Table of Content Sr. No Index Page I Acknowledgement i II Abstract ii III Table of Content iii IV List of Figure iv V List of Table v Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction to System. 1 1.2 Limitation of Existing System.(IF ANY) 1 1.3 Objective of the new system. 1 1.4 Problem definition. 1 Chapter 2 Requirement Analysis 2 2.1 Feasibility study 2 2.2 Requirement Of System (Functional and Non Functional) 3 2.3 Tools and Technology used 3 Chapter 3 System Design 4 3.1 Use case Diagram 43.2 Sequence Diagram 63.3 State Diagram 8 Chapter 4 Data Dictionary 9Chapter 5 Snapshot 12Chapter 6 Testing 16Chapter 7 Future Enhancement 17 Chapter 8 Conclusion 18 Chapter 9 References 19 Chapter 10 Appendix 20 10.1 Periodic Progress Reports (PPR) 2010.2 Business Mode Canvas(BMC) 3210.3 Patient Drafting Exercise (PDE) 3310.4 Certificate Obtained from Plagiarism Checking. 36 List of Figures Sr. No Index Page Figure 1 User use-case Diagram 4 Figure 2 Worker Use-Case Diagram 5 Figure 3 Login Sequence Diagram 6Figure 4 Registration Sequence Diagram 7 Figure 5 Login & Registration State Diagram 8 Figure 5.1.1 Login page 12Figure 5.2.2 Forgot password 12 Figure 5.3.3 Sign up 13Figure 5.4.4 Change password 13Figure 5.5.5 Home page 14Figure 5.6.6 Sub home page 14Figure 5.7.7 Sub home page(2) 15Figure 5.8.8 Share app page 15 List of Tables Sr. NO Index Page Table 4.1 Login 9Table 4.2 Forgot password 9Table 4.3 Sign up 10 Table 4.4 Change password 11 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction to System Household fixing service is our commitment to bring professionalism, good service and trust to the home repair service and maintenance business. We take immense pride in sending some of the most professional handymen to your homes to fix things that aren’t working. Area of fixing things:- 1. Plumbing 2. Carpentering 3. Electrician 4. Painter 5. Gardner 1.2 Limitation of Existing System Current system does not provide the live tracking of the employee which is going to come at your house. 1.3 Objective of the new system It consume less time. Easy way to keep in touch with worker’s Effective work of employee Live tracking. 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement Analysis Chapter 2:- Requirement Analysis 2.1 Feasibility study A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a project’s viability. The results of this study are used to make a decision whether to proceed with the project, or table it. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will -before the real work of the proposed Project starts – be used to ascertain the likelihood of the project’s success. It is an analysis of possible alternative solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best alternative. Need for Feasibility Study: The feasibility study is needed to 1) Answer the question whether a new system is to be installed or not? 2) Determine the potential of the existing system. 3) Improve the existing system. 4) What should be embedded in the new system? 5) Define the problems and objective involved in a project. 6) Avoid costly repairs at a later stage when the system is implemented. 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement Analysis 2.2 Requirement Analysis (Function and Non-Functional) Functional Requirement:- User can login, Registration. User can track the worker route. Admin can see the graph of employee work. Non-Functional Requirement:- Non-functional requirement essentially specifies how the system should behave and that it is a constraint upon the systems behavior. One could also think of non-functional requirements as quality attributes for of a system. Performance ” for example Response Time, Throughput, Utilization, Static Volumetric Capacity Recoverability Maintainability Serviceability Security Environmental Data Integrity Usability 2.3 Tools and Technology used:- Android Android studio SQl Java Google map GPS Payment gateway Cellular network 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement AnalysisChapter:-3 System Design 3.1 Use case Diagram Figure:1 User use-case Diagram 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement Analysis Figure:2 Worker Use-Case Diagram 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement Analysis 3.3 Sequence Diagram Figure: 3 Login Sequence Diagram 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement Analysis Figure: 4 Registration Sequence Diagram 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Requirement Analysis3.4 State Diagram Login & Registration State Diagram 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Data Dictionary Chapter:-4 Data Dictionary Column Name Datatype Constrain DescriptionMobile Number Int FK Login mobile numberPassword Varchar(30) – Login password Table 4.1 Login TableColumn Name Datatype Constrain DescriptionE-mail varchar(30) – Forgot Password of Email Table 4.2 Forgot Password 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Data DictionaryColumn Name Datatype Constrain DescriptionFirst Name Varchar(30) PK Sign up First NameLast Name Varchar(30) – Sign up Last NameMoblie Number Integer – Sign up Mobile NumberEmail Address Varchar(30) – Sign up Email AddressPassword Varchar(30) – Sign up PasswordArea Name Varchar(30) – Sign up Area NameAddress Varchar(30) – Sign up AddressTable 4.3 Sign-up150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Data Dictionary Column Name Datatype Constrain DescriptionCurrent Password Varchar (30) – Change Password of Current PasswordNew Password Varchar (30) – Change Password of New PasswordConfirm Password Varchar (30) – Change Password of Confirm PasswordTable 4.3 Change Passwoe150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 TestingChapter:-6 Testing Version 0.1(Testing Model) As you see about this is the old version of design. The problem in this is not proper color combination and design of the Application. 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Future Enhancement Chapter:-7 Future Enhancement We will provide update of system. Expand in further cities. Add more service’s like: – tiffin service, house maid. 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 Conclusion Chapter:-8 Conclusion We provide the pluming, carpenter, Electrician etc… To resolve the problem. Our system make the daily work easy and effective. It provide the door to door service. It is time saving, live tracking. 150320107003,150320107070,150320107508 References Chapter:-9 References Research paper:-1. SQ1I2gBQ&q=repair+and+maintenance+service&oq=repair+and+maintenance+ser&gs_ l=psy-ab.3.0.0l6j0i22i30k1l4.1405.2298.0.3622.….0…1c.1.64.psyab..2.2.416…0i67k1.0.5FWFo1z9tJw 2. A1 Website:-1. 2.

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