Hi Larry,
I have quite enjoyed reading through and internalizing your literature on the failures of Coca-Cola approach to the UK market in its introduction of a new product into the country. The insights provided on market segment are cognitive entities of analyzing the approach to the marketing strategy that a company ought to make to make significant strides in achieving its intended objectives, especially in a new frontier.
I find the argument failing to inform the co-creation of value, a point Ballantyne & Varey (2008) notes to be of profound importance in creating awareness and involving the consumers in the production of the new product. As a new market frontier, Coca-Cola ought to have taken the UK customers with a higher level of regard and not to ride on their previous successes in the United States as an assumption of guaranteed success to the new market.
The entry into a new marketing frontier needs a clear understanding of the market segments to focus on and induce strategic planning to encounter each one of them. Coca-Cola approach to organizational resources management and capabilities, target customer segments, competition in the market, and the environment is fundamental to gaining most of the situation. These elements, according to Baines, Fill & Page (2011) gives the company a competitive advantage as the woe the consumers in making decisions in favor of their products and services.
Internal Sources
Baines, P., Fill, C. & Page, K. (2011) Marketing. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
External Sources
Ballantyne, D., & Varey, R. J. (2008). The service-dominant logic and the future of marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(1), 11-14.