GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERCITYChandkhedaAhmedabad AffiliatedDr Subhash Technical Campus A Report OnFINGERPRINTBASED ATM SYSTEMUnder subject ofDESIGN Essay

GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERCITYChandkheda,Ahmedabad AffiliatedDr. Subhash Technical Campus A Report OnFINGERPRINTBASED ATM SYSTEMUnder subject ofDESIGN ENGINEERING ” 1(B)B. E. II, Semester ” IV Computer BranchSubmitted by : Group ID :1194501. Kajal Nimavat(170830107019)2. Bhakti Karena(170830107013)3. Mansi Asodariya(170830107002)Prof. Amit J. Vyas (Faculty Guide)Prof. C. J. Shingadiya Head of the DepartmentAcademic year (2018-2019)CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the domain work entitled FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM has been carried out by Ms. Kajal Nimavat (170830107019) under my guidance in partial fulfillment during their subject Design Engineering-1(B) in semester-IV of the Degree – BE in Computer Engineering at Dr.

Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the academic of year 2018-19.Guided ByProf. A. J. vyas Head of the Department Prof. C. J. ShingadiyaCERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the domain work entitled FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM has been carried out by Ms. Bhakti Karena(170830107013) under my guidance in partial fulfillment during their subject Design Engineering-1(B) in semester-IV of the Degree – BE in Computer Engineering at Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the academic of year2018-19.Guided By Head of theDepartmentProf. A.J.vyas Prof. C. J.ShingadiyaCERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the domain work entitled FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM has been carried out by Ms. Mansi Asodariya (170830107002) under my guidance in partial fulfillment during their subject Design Engineering-1(B) in semester-IV of the Degree – BE in Computer Engineering at Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the academic of year 2018-19.Guided By Head of theDepartmentProf. A.J.vyas Prof. C. J.ShingadiyaABSTRACTThis system approaches an idea of device to be attached with atm. This device consists of fingerprint scan, and aadhar number or pan number is to be add and also pin number. In this project it also has a feature if password is forgotten then otp will be sent to phone Number or email according to users convenient.AcknowledgementWe express our special thanks to help us during the project work to our respected Head, Prof. C. J. Shingadiya , Department of computer engineering, Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, to provide us better opportunity to learn very interesting subject Design Engineering.We want to say thanks from the core of our heart to our guide, Asst. Prof. Amit Vyas, Department of computer engineering, Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, to provide us tremendous guidance and to show us right way to do something better, and correcting various do comments with attention and make necessary correction as and when needed.We would like to thank many people who helped us directly or indirectly and supported us during the evolution of this project proposal.Place: Junagadh Nimavat Kajal Karena Bhakti Asodariya MansiINDEXSr.noChapter NoTopic NamePage No.1Title PageI2CertificateII3AbstractIII4AcknowledgementIV5IndexV6Chapter : 1Introduction171.1 Project Definition ProjectTitle281.2 Aim and Purpose ofProject291.3 Domain Selection andObservation3101.4 Reverseengineering4111.5 Empathy Canvas MindMapping5121.6 Prior ART Search(Pas)/Literature Review/LongBook813Chapter : 2Design Canvas10142.1 AEIOUCanvas10152.2 IdenticalCanvas11162.3 PDC & User FeedBack12172.4 LNMsheet1418Chapter : 3Working Model15193.1 Rough PrototypingModel1520Chapter : 4Conclusion17214.1 Conclusion1722Chapter : 5Future Scope18235.1 FutureScope1824Chapter : 6Bibliography19256.1 Bibliography19IChapter :-1IntroductionProject Definition ProjectTitleAim and Purpose ofProjectDomain Selection andObservationEmpathy Canvas MindMappingReverseengineeringPrior ART Search (Pas)/Literature Review/LongBookProject Definition & ProjectTitle:Our project fingerprint based atm system is a project which aims is that everyone get money without using atm card. In our project ,we are using fingerprint biometrics. Users fingerprint are scanned using biometrics trait and stored in database. Using fingerprint base ATM system user can make securetransaction.ProjectTitle:FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM”Aim and Objective ofProject:Aim :Our project main purpose is make transaction of money is more secure and user- friendly.Objective :The main objective of our project is to provide fingerprint as authorized identity and to design a more secure ATM system to propose authentication and verification process on the existing. ATM machine to make secure and successful transaction.Domain Selection &observation.PHP is an acronym for PHP : Hypertext Pre-processor.It is powerful enough to be at the core of biggest blogging system on the web. PHP file can contain TEXT, HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT and PHP code.PHP code are executed on the server and the result is returned to the browser as plain HTML. PHP files have extension.Reverse engineering:ParameterExisting systemNew systemSecurityProvide ATM cardProvide pin number and fingerptintfeasibility studyAvailable online help likejustdial.comAvailable online help likemedlife.comFunctionalityCash withdraw using ATM card.Cash withdraw using fingerprint and pinnumber.ObjectiveCash withdraw .Secure case withdraw.AdvantagesBy using ATM card any time we can withdraw the case .No requirement of any card to withdraw the case.Disadvantagelost ATM card.Scanner is not work properly.LimitationWithout ATM care can not withdraw the cash.If finger dose not match or if pin number forgot .Costas per requirementas per requirement / fixFinal outputGet all information in guj.languageGet all information in everyLanguage4Empathy Canvas- MindMappingEmpathy Canvas:A User Empathy Map is used to help in the discussion about the needs a user has. Using it allows you to focus on what was observed, and what can be inferredabout your different user groups’ beliefs and emotions.Developing a better understanding of the person for whom you are designing your product with the Empathy Map helps you synthesize observations and draw out unexpected ins[Figure 1.5.1 Empathy Canvas]Mind Mapping:A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyse , comprehend, synthesize,recall.[Figure :1.5.2 Mind Mapping]Prior Art Search (PAS)/ Literature Review/Log BookLogBook:Log book enables a complete reconstruction of the experiment or measurement at a later date.It enables the work to be repeated for re-evolution of the reported research. The steps that led to the success or failure of a large project can be extracted. In this, facts should be recorded without comment; opinion should not failure at all. Uncertainties should be noted, unrepeatability recorded.In our logbook, we have noted of our observation of our domain cold storage. In this noted how to work cold storage and who people are attached cold storage and which object use the cold storage and what is issue of cold storage and any storagecompany.[Figure 1.6 Log Book]8Chapter :-2 Design CanvasAEIOUCanvasIdentical CanvasPDC & user feedBackLNMSHEETAEIOUCANVAS:AEIOU Summary framework is a combination of the Activities, Environment, Interactions, Objects, and Users.[Figure 2.1 AEIOU Canvas]Identical canvas:Identical Summary framework is a combination of the Activities, Situation, People,Props, and Possible Situation[Figure 2.2 IDENTICAL Canvas]11Product Development Canvas & user feed Back:Are you thinking about using a user feedback tool?A wise consideration, because with customer feedback you are given an overview of where exactly on your website you should make changes and improvements. Give your visitors the opportunity to provide feedback in a simple manner. Make sure they can provide suggestions or reportproblems.User feedback:Nice app, all homeopathic medicine is available in one click easy, faster. Very useful for gtu student. Easy to find and fet information..great application. Save the time.[figure 2.3: product development canvas]Learning needmatrix:Learning Needs Matrix will help students to identify the learning requirements at an early stage along with prioritization of specific learning along with defined time duration/ time allocation for each learning priority.Identification will be focused on listing out bothThe learning, which is included in some subject of the formal syllabus of your branchandThe learning, which is required for solving the Design problem and which may notbe included in the formal syllabi of the othersubjects..[figure 2.4: Learning need matrix ]Chapter:-3Working ModelRough PrototypingModel:Tools/Material:ThermocolSheetColourfulPapersColoredpensConcept of Prototype Model:1. We make a prototype model with the use of thermocol sheet,Colourful Papers and colorful pens and other thing which is necessary to our prototypemodel.[Figure 3.1 Rough PrototypingModel]Chapter:-4Conclusion4.1 Conclusion :At the end of the projects it concludes that the innumerous study of this project let me to better future procurement. I have enjoyed making this project. Also helped me out to prove myself in this field.17Chapter: 5Future Scope5.1 Future Scopefinger print based atm system website allows you to Future: Login to fingerprint based system,Provide update information, Provide suitable system, Update software,Multiple language.18Chapter:-6BibliographyBibliography:

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