A class action lawsuit is perceived as an action filed by several individuals against the defendant. In such a situation, the defendant is said to have caused harm or have carried out an offense to several people. From a business or commercial perceptive, when a class action suit is brought against you by several plaintiffs, it means that the latter has a similar claim against you (Redish, 2009). This necessarily does not affect the perception of guilt since one is stated as guilty when enough evidence is piled up the court to prove that one is not innocent. From the accusations, one may appear to have carried out a wrong over and over again, but this can only be proved through several investigations. My thoughts about a class action lawsuit are that it brought about by multiple claims from different people, but this fact does not change the jurisdiction in court.
Redish, M. H. (2009). Wholesale Justice: Constitutional Democracy and the Problem of the Class Action Lawsuit (pp. 228-32). Stanford Law Books.