Free association among adolescents is no longer a strange thing at this time. This is further coupled with the lack of knowledge of our society about sex that causes perpetrators of free sex increasingly uncontrollable. Free association becomes the source of high teenage pregnancy rates. Today’s youth lifestyle is taking light on this free association. From another point of view, in their teens they have enormous curiosity including sex knowledge. Internet, television, magazines, and other forms of media have become “sex guru” to teens retrieved from Among the factors that led to this free association are morals, families, peers and mass media.
Moral in the life of a human cannot be separated. The significance of this ethical esteem can be said to be a human conviction towards a prosperous existence without good, one will lose its direction and personality over the span of a difficult universe of life. The research that had done by Romzi in 2006, found that the main reason teenagers are involved with sexuality activities is to look for pleasure without long thought.
Besides, the stronger the desire to find pleasure, the lower self-control. Another study that support this factor is by Tolman in 1932, the finding shows that the tools, paths and signs can be generated through a learning process that has left an experience that creates a “cognitive map” in the mental of a person including the environmental guidelines that are in contact with what is expected. Human beings are supplied with malicious instincts such as sexual behaviour and aggressive behaviour that is irrational (Freud, 1974). According to study by Abu Bakar (2011), it shows that the high education religion can help students in assessing adolescent behaviours whether good or not and it will help the students to avoid sexual activity.?
There are lot of studies have shown that the family plays an important role in the process of socialization of adolescent namely attitude, moral value and system beliefs. According studies by Rodgers (1999), parental monitoring inversely associated with promiscuity toward teenagers and total number of partners they have. Parental observing alludes to guardians’ learning of where, how and with whom their kids invest energy. This exploration additionally bolsters by concentrate that direct by Cohen et al. (2002), a solid opposite relationship between all out long stretches of parental supervision and sexual movement. The discoveries demonstrate that secondary school understudies who were unsupervised under 5 hours per week (high supervision) were more averse to had sex and had less lifetime sexual accomplices than understudies who were unsupervised over 5 hours every week. In Malaysia, Lukman et al. (2011) had led an overview about The Relationship between Dysfunctional Family and Involvement of Children in Sexual Activity. As per their exploration, they found that family breakdown and shaky family relationship will impact youngsters to include in sexual movement. They additionally express that there is solid proof that the more noteworthy the quantity of family issue existing in the life of a youngster, the more noteworthy is the probability that a kid will submit in sexual movement. Another research that conduct by Abu Bakar et al. (2012) state that their findings had confirm that parenting style, parents control and monitoring of their childrens behaviour and activities, parent-child communication, parental support and family structure gave significant influence on adolescents involvement in sexual activity.
For teenagers, peers are the right place for teenagers to share their desires and opinions. Sometimes, they think that their friends do a good and right thing. Many findings found about promiscuity problems can caused by factors that wanted to look great in front of their friends. Teenagers are willing do anything to be respected and acknowledged by friends even though they are sinners. Researchers argue, teens are likely to be with friends who have the same behaviors. A study by Samsaadal and Abdullah (2006) also found, peer influences are also big enough. Teenagers will feel comfortable with their friends if they are recognized. The findings also show that teenagers often invited by their friends to do activities which is immoral. Researchers argue that teenagers are easy to accept requests from friends because of they believe what their friends do is right and can make fun. In Asmak’s study (2006), the influence of peers involved with misconduct is the highest percentage of 63.6%, Asmak study shows that teenagers are usually easier to imitate and influenced by friends. Teenagers are too difficult to resist friends’ requests, because they consider relationships with friends more familiar than families. They are more than happy to complain and share problems with friends rather than their own family. Peers is a person that will be the reference for teenagers that provides ‘moral support’ in seeking self-identity and image creation (Pomberi,1990; Mahmood, 1991).
Mass media has become a nowadays technology to spread information to all over the world. Many sources under the influence of mass media give many benefits to all mankind to get information faster and convenient but also negative impacts to teenagers. The influence of mass media such as television, magazines, hand phone and internet are often misused by the teenagers behaviour. They easily influenced by western culture, which is they thought that sex behaviour is fun and acceptable in the western communities(Sitti Nadirah,2017).Another studies also stated that almost all people from all around the world make benefits to themselves by watching pornographic videos from such as hand phone to take a pleasant pleasure(Aisyah,2013). A TikTok application, known as a famous social media nowadays that display many video which mainly about girls were dancing gracefully without feel any sensitivity of themselves. These video will encourage some of man to fulfil their lust towards girls to commit promiscuity. The application will give major impact to people nowadays especially among the teenagers. In a nutshell, from all of point stated above shows that mass media is one of the factor of promiscuity.