A Project Report on
IoT Based Bridge Health Monitoring System
(Domain : IoT)
Submitted to
Savitribai Phule Pune University
(Formerly University of Pune)
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of
Bachelor’s Degree in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Exam seat Number Name of Student E-mail Contact Number
B150393011 Pooja Badgire [email protected] 9765432102
B150393032 Vaishnavi Dadage [email protected] 9168808979
B150393042 Jason Fernandes [email protected] 9503645520
B150393045 Mohini Gaikwad [email protected] 7588266487
Under the Supervision of
Mr.Vishnal B Ambhore
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trusts
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication
(Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Year 2018-2019
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trusts
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication
(Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
This is to certify that project work entitled ” IoT Based Bridge Monitoring System carried out in the eight semester by,
Exam seat Number Name of Student
B150393011 Pooja Badagire
B150393032 Vaishnavi Dadage
B150393042 Jason Fernandes
B150393045 Mohini Gaikwad
in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering degreein Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune during the academic year 2018-19.
Prof.Mr.V.B.Ambhore Prof.Mrs.P.D.Deshpande
GuideProject Coordinator
Dr. Shailesh V. KulkarniDr. B. S. Karkare
H.O.D., E&TC Engg.Principal
The bridges over water bodies are subjected to constant deterioration due to high temperatures, heavy vehicular loads, earthquakes and floods. This has lead to devastating disasters such as loss of property, state economy and most importantly life. Recently Majehat bridge in Kolkata and Siliguri bridge in Darjeeling had collapsed due to heavy loads and dilapidated conditions. So constant real time monitoring of bridge structural health is required to sustain the already developed bridges to avoid any upcoming mishaps in future. In a country like India traditional methods such as human inspection and manual tools are used to monitor bridges. But this can be avoided by using the Internet Of Things and Wireless Sensing Networks. The goal of this study was to develop a system which constantly monitors bridge health and then updates the concerned authorities regarding any defects due to environmental conditions via a mobile app. The system consists of ARM microprocessors, temperature, vibration and ultrasonic sensors along with RF modules. As a result extreme temperatures, shocks and vibrations along with rising water levels are sensed and transmitted via the RF module to a Control Unit. This is all processed in real time without human intervention. The required data would be sent to the app and corrective actions can be taken by the administrative officials.
This work could not have been completed without the guidance and encouragement of many people. We would like to particularly acknowledge those below.
We pay our humble regards and gratitude to Prof.V.B.Ambhore for guiding us and giving moral support and timely boost.
We wish to express our special thanks to Prof.A.V.Chitre, and Mr.M.S.Patil , project evaluators , who helped us a lot in the preparation of our seminar topic
Exam seat Number Name of Student
B150393011 Pooja Badagire
B150393032 Vaishnavi Dadage
B150393042 Jason Fernandes
B150393045 Mohini Gaikwad
List of Figures
Block diagram
Power Supply
Circuit Schematic
PCB Layout
initial stage of simulation
sensors output on LCD
LCD Testing
ADXL 335 Testing
LM 35 Testing
Final Testing
Display on Server Side
Display on App
Sending Message Through App
Message Sent to Authorized Person
Project Photo
List of Table:
Final Result
Implementation plan
Sr. No. Contents Page No.
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………….. III
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………….. IV
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………………. V
List of Table …………………………………………………………………………………. V
1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Literature Survey ……………………………………………………………………… 3 Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Motivation …………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Block Diagram and dEscription…………………………………………….. 6 Methodology………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Hardware/Software requirement………………………………………… 8 SIMULATION AND TESTING…………………………………………………………….. 9 result analysis and discussion…………………………………………….. 10 Applications………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN………………………………………………………………….. 12 Conclusion and scope of FUTURE work……………………………… References…………………………………………………………………………………….. Enclosing cd with complete details of projects
(Seminar report and ppt,project report and ppt, DESIGN layouts, pcb layouts, PROGRAMS, SIMULATIONS, working videos, DATASHEETS) 1. Introduction
Bridges are critical in many regions, being used over the centuries for transportation of goods, humans and for viewing scenic beauty. Hence this makes it necessary to have a system which constantly monitors the structural health of the bridge and provides necessary updates regarding any problems to the concerned authorities and that too in real time. Current advancements in sensing technologies and the rise of IOT have led to the development of automated bridge-monitoring systems. Many long span bridges worldwide have already implemented such systems but high initial cost and maintenance along with wired structures have created serious issues due to which the desire to make use of traditional methods still persists. In this project the idea of IOT based bridge health monitoring is proposed. Different types of sensors attached to the bridge input various parameters such as vibration, shocks, extreme temperatures and flood level, process them using microcontrollers according to the set threshold and finally send the readings wirelessly using RF transmitters. For the prototype bridge model we are preparing we are only designing 2 nodes which would be attached on the ends of the model. To avoid collision in the networks we are using an Anti-collision protocol called as Request and Response. In this the slaves will compare their own slave ID after receiving the request and after a match takes place, then the slave will send data to master. For the communication purpose we are using Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol. It is used for networks with remote locations where a small footprint or the network bandwidth is limited. The required information will be displayed on an app interface designed using VBScript. The interface could be opened on any electronic device with active internet connection.
2. Literature Survey
On 18th September, 2011 in Darjeeling, West Bengal a bridge collapsed due to weakening in its structure caused a 6.9 magnitude earthquake that shook north-eastern India. 32 people were killed and 132 were injured as a result.
On 4th August, 2016 an old bridge connected to the Mumbai Goa highway collapsed down due to over flooding as a result of heavy rains and rise of water level of Savitri river .29 people were missing and 10 vehicles were submerged in the river.
On 18th August, 2017 in Bihars Araria district a bridge collapsed due to the raging river waters. 3 people were dead and it affected nearly 98 lakh people in 16 districts which resulted in the postpostment of the upcoming examinations and cancellations of train reservations.
We researched different papers from various sources such as
1] Bridge Monitoring System published in IJISSET 2016 by the author Anand Kumar Jha.
2] Development of an IOT based bridge safety monitoring system published in IEEE 2017 by the author Taipei, Taiwan
3] Bridge Monitoring and Alert Generation System using IOT published in IJARIIT 2017 by author Varsha Kusal and Amrita Argade
3. Objectives
I. To design and develop a sensor interface to detect and inform the base station of bridge structural health monitoring.
II. To develop a Graphical user interface (GUI) for Monitoring and analysis of bridge safety.
III. To develop a IOT based APP to access data on internet.
4. Motivation
At least 23 people were killed after a section of an under-construction overpass collapsed in a crowded area of the eastern Indian city of Kolkata . Ponte Morandi motorway bridge collapse in Italy due to structural defect -43 dead. Not just these two but there are many mishaps due to structural defects. To avoid these accidents a system is needed which will detect the structural defects and send the information about defect to central control system.
Many long span bridges worldwide have already implemented such systems but high initial cost and maintenance along with wired structures have created serious issues due to which the desire to make use of traditional methods still persists.
If there would be a system which will indicate defects in bridge, the lot of number of mishaps could be avoided
5. Block Diagram
Fig. 1 Block Diagram
Block Diagram description:-
We are designing a wireless sensor network based bridge monitoring system. We have connected 2 nodes to bridge model. Both the embedded nodes will collect data and send to PC based Master. For avoiding collision between nodes we are using Request and response type protocol. In request and response protocol the master will send the data request. The slaves will receive the request and compare their own slave ID. If slave ID matches, then the slave will send the data to Master. We are also designing a Local PC based server. The server will display the data on GUI.
Here we are using different sensors to measure the different parameters effecting the bridge stability:
Temperature Sensor:
Measure the temperature on the concrete.
Ultrasonic sensor:
Here we are interfacing ultrasonic sensor based water level sensor.
Vibration sensor (Accelerometer):
Vibration sensor node the changes that could indicate damage to the bridge .
IOT based APP:
We are designing an IOT based APP to display the data of bridge . The user will be updates with the sensor data periodically on internet. The user can access the data from anywhere on APP.
Power Supply Design
Fig.2 Power Supply
Fig. 3 Circuit Schematic
Fig. 4. PCB Layout
6. Methodology
The proposed system includes the designing a system for measuring bridge parameters and send the data to the app. The system mainly includes measuring the temperature, vibration in bridge and also measure water level. The collected data is sent to mobile so that parameter monitoring will be easy and required repairing of bridge will be performed.
The project consists of two nodes on bridge. The PC acts as server and nodes will act as slaves. When PC sends the request for data and then only nodes will send the data. This is done to avoid the collision of data.
7. Hardware and Software Requirement
Hardware Requirement:
Operating Voltage
10 bit ADC(16 analog inputs)
LM 35
Operating voltage:4-30V
Current drain:60uA
Operating range:-550 to +1500 C
Accuracy:0.50 C
Operating voltage:5V
operating current:15mA
Maximum range:4m
Minimum range:2cm
RF Trans receiver
Worldwide 2.4 GHz ISM band operation
Ultra low power operation
Operating voltage:1.9V to 3.6V
Operating temperature:-400 to +850C
ADXL 335
Operating voltage:1.8V to 3.6V
Low power:350uA
Excellent temperature stability
Software Requirements:
Compiler: KEIL3
Programming Language: Embedded C
Programming Platform: Flash Magic
Visual Basic server 6.
8.Simulation and Testing
Fig.5 initial stage of simulation
Fig.6 sensors output on LCD
Testing of Individual Sensors
LCD Testing
Fig.7 LCD Testing
ADXL 335 Testing
Fig.8. ADXL 335 Testing
LM 35 Testing
Fig.9 LM 35 Testing
9. Result analysis and discussion
We performed testing of individual sensor module. After successful testing of sensors we implemented the whole system in general environment and observed following results.
Fig 10 Final Testing
Sr.No Parameter Value Observed
Salve 1 Slave 2
1 Temperature 29.60C 270C
2 X-axis 490 494
3 Y-axis 606 389
5 Water level 204.5cm –
Table 1. Final Result
Server Side
Fig 11 Display on Server Side
App Display
Fig.12. Display on app
App Display
Fig. 13 Sending Message Through App
Message Sent to authorized Person
Fig.14 Message Sent to Authorized Person
10. Applications
Train bridges
Highway bridges
Military Bridges
Structural analysis of buildings
Precision agriculture
11. Implementation plan:
I – SEMESTER Sr.No Project detail Month
1 Selection of Project August
2 Data sheet study September (1-15)
3 sensor selection September (15-30)
4 Circuit diagram (Proteus) October (1-15)
5 Seminar report October (15-30)
II SEMESTER 6 Layout Diagram,PCB making January (1-15)
7 Soldering and Hardware testing January (15-30)
8 Coding and testing February (1-30)
9 Final Demonstration March (1-15)
10 Final Project report April (15-30)
Table 2.Implementation Result
Wireless sensor networks are becoming popular day by day. With the latest rise in IoT and wireless sensing real time bridge health monitoring has become quite advance and futuristic. This has also made monitoring accurate and easily accessible by everyone .Problems accuring due to co-axial cables and optical fiber cables as well as the cost are also reduced .Reliability and ease of this system is another benefit. This technology can provide early defect detection which will be helpful in avoiding loss of country economy and most importantantly human life.
Scope of Future work
In proposed system,RF module is used for communication between nodes and PC server. But we can use ZigBee for long range communication. Also Zigbee modules needs less power which is important parameter while implementing system on actual bridge.
In proposed system we are using only two nodes, but in real time environment we need more node. We can implement star topology in those nodes.
This system can be enhanced with more features like adding more sensors to node.
We can also install auto barriers on bridge. When there is a critical condition on bridge the barriers will come down and save further disasters.
Project photo
Fig.15 Project Photo
1] Bridge Monitoring System published in IJISSET 2016 by the author Anand Kumar Jha.
2] Development of an IOT based bridge safety monitoring system published in IEEE 2017 by the author Taipei, Taiwan
3] Bridge Monitoring and Alert Generation System using IOT published in IJARIIT 2017 by author Varsha Kusal and Amrita Argade
4] Feasibility of Vibration-Based Long-Term Bridge Monitoring Using the I-35W St. Anthony Falls Bridge Lauren Linderman, Principal Investigator Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering University of Minnesota