Executive SummaryDigitizing public services is an urgent need for many governments around the world today. Good digital government can help business to flourish, increase citizen engagement, and drive economic growth. Information has been playing critical role in everyday activities of people, business and government. The Intelligent Enterprise concept bundles systematized digital technologies with design thinking, services and expertise so consumer goods companies can transform quickly. Intelligent technologies systematize the concept and enable digital transformation. Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services, exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-customer (G2C), government-to-business (G2B).
E- government has many benefit which include speed in government business, transparency in all government dealings, accountability from the part of people in government, and reduction in cost of governance. The enterprise information architecture is intended to provide a common framework for the cost-effective sharing of data across the different organizational units taking care of the security and privacy of the specific information.
It helps the government to achieve its desired objective within the stipulated period. Table of Contents TOC o “1-3” h z u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc6588796 h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc6588797 h 3Electronic governance PAGEREF _Toc6588798 h 4Objectives of E-Governance PAGEREF _Toc6588799 h 4To build an informed society PAGEREF _Toc6588800 h 5To increase Government and Citizen interaction PAGEREF _Toc6588801 h 5To encourage citizen participation PAGEREF _Toc6588802 h 5To bring transparency in the governing process PAGEREF _Toc6588803 h 5To make the Government accountable PAGEREF _Toc6588804 h 5To reduce the cost of Governance PAGEREF _Toc6588805 h 5To reduce the reaction time of the Government PAGEREF _Toc6588806 h 5ADVANTAGES OF E-GOVERNMENT PAGEREF _Toc6588807 h 6Speed PAGEREF _Toc6588808 h 6Transparency PAGEREF _Toc6588809 h 6Accountability PAGEREF _Toc6588810 h 6Reduction In Cost PAGEREF _Toc6588811 h 6Enterprise information architecture (EIA) PAGEREF _Toc6588812 h 6Characteristics of a well-defined EIA implementation PAGEREF _Toc6588813 h 7Gaining transparency PAGEREF _Toc6588814 h 7Considering enterprise business requirements PAGEREF _Toc6588815 h 7Avoiding inconsistencies PAGEREF _Toc6588816 h 7Managing Service Level Agreements (SLA) PAGEREF _Toc6588817 h 7Enabling decision making PAGEREF _Toc6588818 h 7Addressing reusability aspects PAGEREF _Toc6588819 h 7Addressing data scope PAGEREF _Toc6588820 h 7Defining a technology strategy PAGEREF _Toc6588821 h 7Benefits of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) PAGEREF _Toc6588822 h 7Conclusion & Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc6588823 h 8References PAGEREF _Toc6588824 h 8IntroductionTechnology has become a key enabler for business success in almost all areas of our life. As we track the progressing proliferation of technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, smart homes, augmented reality or voice control, their true innovation power is still to come. Running a successful business in the future will depend on how an enterprise can adapt to changes and embrace new technologies to improve processes, customer experiences and offerings, and business models. This challenge is particularly important for the consumer goods industry, where companies need to deal with technological impacts all along the value chain ” the way they work with retailers, present their offerings to consumers, and execute in the various channels of operation.But the bar for meeting and exceeding consumer expectations is rising higher, and success will require smart use of these technologies. By applying intelligent tools such as AI/machine learning, IoT and advanced analytics, modern cloud-based enterprise systems can help retailers transform into event-driven, expectation-exceeding businesses. Ultimately, every consumer goods company will need to become an “Intelligent Enterprise.” Intelligent Enterprise DesignThe “Intelligent Enterprise” should not be confused with something as simple as an automated business. Rather, it’s a vision for what the future of business for retailers will look like. It combines a modern end-to-end infrastructure across all lines of business with the ability to develop, test, pilot and roll out innovations fast and effectively to the benefit of consumers. The Intelligent Enterprise concept bundles systematized digital technologies with design thinking, services and expertise so consumer goods companies can transform quickly. Intelligent technologies systematize the concept and enable digital transformation.Electronic governanceElectronic governance or e-governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services, exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-customer (G2C), government-to-business (G2B). Well, In short we can say that E- governance is nothing but a service that act as a medium of exchange of information, transactions and services.Building an effective e-government model requires that transformation initiatives address both operational governance and policy governance. Operational governance starts with examining the citizen experience to understand which services should be prioritized, where existing processes break down, and the true source of those failures. Operational governance models solicit citizen feedback, collect and aggregate it in standardized and accessible formats, and continually assess what citizens want from a service, where the current system fails them, and the actual, rather than assumed sources of those failures.Policy governance incorporates that information into the expectations that governments have for agencies and, in turn, that agencies have for their workers. It is the source of performance metrics and establishes accountability for each step of a citizen’s interactions with every agency they rely on for services.Objectives of E-GovernanceFollowing are the objectives/aims of E-Governance:To build an informed society An informed society is an empowered society. Only informed people can make a Government responsible. So providing access to all to every piece of information of the Government and of public importance is one of the basic objective of E-Governance.To increase Government and Citizen interaction In the physical world, the Government and Citizens hardly interact. The amount of feedback from and to the citizens is very negligible. E-Governance aims at build a feedback framework, to get feedback from the people and to make the Government aware of people’s problems.To encourage citizen participation True democracy requires participation of each individual citizen. Increased population has led to representative democracy, which is not democracy in the true sense. E-governance aims to restore democracy to its true meaning by improving citizen participation in the Governing process, by improving the feedback, access to information and overall participation of the citizens in the decision making. To bring transparency in the governing process E-governance carries an objective to make the Governing process transparent by making all the Government data and information available to the people for access. It is to make people know the decisions, and policies of the Government.To make the Government accountable Government is responsible and answerable for every act decision taken by it. E-Governance aims and will help make the Government more accountable than now by bringing transparency’s and making the citizens more informed. To reduce the cost of Governance E-Governance also aims to reduce cost of governance by cutting down on expenditure on physical delivery of information and services. It aims to do this by cutting down on stationary, which amounts to the most of the government’s expenditure. It also does away with the physical communication thereby reducing the time required for communication while reducing cost.To reduce the reaction time of the Government Normally due to red-tapism and other reasons, the Government takes long to reply to people’s queries and problems. E-Governance aims to reduce the reaction time of the Government to the people’s queries and problems, because’s problems are basically Government’s problems as Government is for the people.ADVANTAGES OF E-GOVERNMENT Speed E-governance means using electronic technology by the government. Electronic technologies make communication better, and faster. It will take very less time for any policy, or scheme to reach to the people. As you yourself can see that internet, cell phones and mobile communications have these capabilities. Transparency Democracy is all about transparency. Since independent we have come to know that, it has become difficult for citizen of India to get information about the policies of the Government. Or In other words, it has become easier for wrong doers to hide the wrong deeds done by them form the eyes of the citizens. But, by using the internet, all the information of each and every policy will be directly available to the citizens, hence strengthening democracy. Accountability Accountability is answerability to the people by the government. Hence, once the transparency is achieved the government will automatically become accountable. Reduction In CostFor implementing the various policies and schemes of the government, crores of rupees are invested in stationery materials like for buying pens, papers, and printers. But with the use of Internet the government will be able save these expenditures, which can be further used for other developments.Enterprise information architecture (EIA)Enterprise information architecture (EIA) is considered a component of the enterprise architecture. The enterprise information architecture is intended to provide a common framework for the cost-effective sharing of data across the different organizational units taking care of the security and privacy of the specific information. It is often recommended to use the enterprise information architecture in situations such as organizational redundancy assessment, process redundancy assessment, for design and development of the common business language, or technology redundancy assessment.Components of the EIA Reference Architecture Conceptual ArchitectureThis includes a more detailed level of the Architecture Overview Diagram for the EIA, the description of the data classification criteria, and data domains, and it includes a high-level description of the capabilities, key architecture principles for EIA, and architecture decisions. It also includes IT governance and Information Governance topics.Logical ArchitectureThis contains the logical EIA description, the EIA Reference Architecture Logical View diagram (including the data domains in the context of this diagram), key aspects of the enterprise information integration, and a high-level description of the information services.Component ModelThis is a detailed description of the EIA building blocks and their functionality including a detailed description of the EIA components, a service description (for instance MDM Services, Data Management Services, Metadata Management Services and soon), an information-centric Component Relationship Diagram, and Component Interaction Diagrams (including some exemplary scenario descriptions).Operational ModelThis includes the Logical Operational Model (LOM) and Physical Operational Model (POM); information-centric Operational Patterns; Service Qualities applicable for information services; the Cloud Computing delivery model for information services; best practices and integration patterns.Characteristics of a well-defined EIA implementationPrimary characteristics that can be used to distinguish a well-defined EIA implementation include the following: Gaining transparencyThe information remains independent from application specifications, application implementations, and user interfaces. It provides a transparency layer between the information and application domains. Considering enterprise business requirements The architecture takes into account the overall information needs of the entire enterprise and specific LOBs or individual organizations. Avoiding inconsistencies It helps identify inconsistencies, conflicts, overlaps, and aps in the data and information, and offers a concept, framework, and methods to resolve this, and it is useful to select adequate solutions. Managing Service Level Agreements (SLA) It provides mechanisms for the definition and management of information-centric SLAs which can be monitored and enforced. Enabling decision making The architecture enables more consistent and efficient IT decision making that is linked to business needs. It does this because it is both flexible and extensible. Addressing reusability aspects Enforcing an EIA means that information assets are shared and reused, avoiding data duplication and thus reducing development, service, and support costs. Addressing data scope The Information Reference Model used by the enterprise describes the scope of the used data and information supported by the EIA. Defining a technology strategy It establishes the framework upon which the technology strategies adopted by the enterprise depend. In addition, it defines the set of principles that guide how an organization’s information systems and technology infrastructure are engineered.Benefits of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA)Some benefits of building and maintaining an EIA are:Facilitates assessment of packaged applications for fit within the organization (assuming a Corporate Data Model and Function Model is developed)Eases integration of acquired companies’ data into our systems environment because the data can be mapped into a logical Corporate Data Model (rather than directly into physical tables)Facilitates development of a common language (and understanding) amongst our lines of business because the models are developed from an enterprise-wide perspectiveSpeeds the orientation process of new employees because they can quickly become acquainted with the business through analysis of selected portions of the modelProvides a roadmap, via the Corporate Data Model, for assessing existing (in-house built) operational data structures and planning for their re-engineering into an integrated set of structures Conclusion Information technology has raised the bar of government in every business of the any country. It has also been seen as means of evaluating the standard of governance and level of development of each countries of the world. E-government enhances the performance of people at the helm of affairs in each country. E-government helps the government intelligence system which protects the information of every country. As digital government expands, the public will see how governments are becoming more transparent, and that will build higher levels of public trust. With more trust comes more engagement, and so the government will start to hear a wider range of voices. When government processes are open and transparent, and when people and businesses can understand and have a say in decisions that ultimately affect them, public confidence will naturally increase.ReferencesTechopedia(2018). Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA). Godinez et al (2010). The Art of Enterprise Information Architecture: A Conceptual and Logical View. Hopkins(2010). The Essential EA Toolkit Part 2 – A Reference Architecture and Standards Repository. The role of future-oriented technology analysis in e-Government: a systematic review. European Journal of Futures Research.