electronic crime Essay

Electronic Crime

By: Meldric Wilson

The National Security Agency’s Responsibilities:

Perceives the Threat

Signals Intelligence

Computer Crimes


Endorses Armed Forces

perceives the threat

The United States today faces real grave country wide protection threats. To meet these threats, our country wide leaders, navy leaders, coverage makers, and regulation enforcement personnel should apprehend who our adversaries are, their location, and what their capabilites and motives are.

signals intelligence

The National Security Agency (NSA) is accountable for imparting overseas Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) to our nation’s policy-makers and army forces.

With the aid of supplying America’s leaders with crucial data wished to defend our country, save lives, and advance the U.S. dreams and alliances globally, SIGINT plays a critical function in our country wide safety.

computer crimes

In effort to advance guidance and mitigation on emerging threats to computer crimes, the NSA leverages its professional elite functionality.


The essential research program of the NSA focuses on these pivotal objectives:

Establish the tools to control communications and global computing.

Handle the overwhelming amount of information in the world and manipulate that into a calculated advantage.

Develop the tools to infiltrate the “hard” objectives that put our cournty at risk.

endorses armed forces

The National Security Agency is part of the U.S. Department of Defense, acting as a support department for war. One of the most valuable assets of the NSA is the way they stand behind the members of the armed forces around the world.

Law enforcement needs

four critical necessities at the state or local level of law enforcement to adequately combat criminal activity.

raise awareness

data and coverage

uniform training and certification

organizing a cybercrime unit

raise awareness

An efficient awareness course or program is necessary to bring attention to elected and appointed officials, as well as, the public, and the criminal justice community of the impact of cyber-criminal activity.

data and coverage

For a clearer picture of the nature and effect of digital crime and for tracking patterns, more comprehensive data is needed.

uniform training and certification

When investigating cybercrimes, gathering and reviewing evidence, and testifying in the courtroom, police officers and forensic scientists require specialized certification to fulfill their respective roles appropriately.

organizing a cybercrime unit

There is a struggle for law enforcement agencies to find the most effective approach to organize a cybercrime unit that will adequately investigate those crimes and properly collect and examine the electronic evidence.

the us postal system and child pornography

The U.S. Congress enacted the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977. This raised awareness and concern over child pornography.

The photos are evidence of physical child abuse when sexual intercouse portrayed.

the us postal system and child pornography

Under the Child Protection Act of 1984, child pornography does not need to be obscene to be unmailable, nor does it need to be mailed for a commercial purpose or to make a monetary profit.

There are other law enforcment agencies tailored to combat the creation, transmission, and delivery, as well as, the sexual exploitation of children. The Postal Inspection Service work in close association with these agencies.

the us postal system and child pornography

The USPS offers aid in many aspects. One of these ways include sharing knowledge obtained through a nationwide network of Postal Inspectors specializing in undercover investigations of child porn.

These undercover activities were focused on detecting suspects, or perpetrators, and collecting evidence to support the allogations and prosecutions.

federal office merger

department of homeland security

The primary or initial DHS National Capital Region Housing Master Plan 15 specified that stated that additional integrationa and co-location of DHS headquarters operations were necessary to achieve the following five goals:

Improve mission effectiveness

Create a unified DHS organization

Increase organizational efficiency

Adjust the size of the real estate portfolio to better fit the mission of DHS

Reduce real estate occupancy costs

department of homeland security

Consolidating or merging DHS headquarter components at a single site would promote “vertical” cooperation amongst the departmental and component leadership. It would also create “horizontal” coordination between the components of the department.

The organizational barriers to coordination are reduced, as a result of, headquarters roles performing in spaces tailored for a centralized agency.?

department of homeland security

Having a single campus makes communication with other components easier to accomplish and can promote a more effective departmental leadership.

The Department of Homeland Security currenetly operates a National Operations Center (NOC) at the Nebraska Avenue Complex (NAC) in Washington D.C.

Nevertheless, due to its limited size and resources, its capacity to provide a comprehensive command and control system and coordinate response to an incident by the federal government is restricted.


A Law Enforcement Guide to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. United States Postal Inspection Service, Sept. 2006, www.hsdl.org/?view&did=34409.

“NSA/CSS.” National Security Agency, www.nsa.gov/.

Painter, William L. DHS Headquarters Consolidation Project: Issues for Congress . Sept. 2013, fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R42753.pdf.

Samuels, Julie E. “National Institute of Justice: Research in Brief.” U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Aug. 2000, www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/183451.pdf.

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