School of Computing ELAW Assignment Instructions
ELAW ST0276 April 2019
This assignment will give students an experience to better understand the issues taught during lecture.
This assignment is to test the students ability to research from a host of resources for answers to the
questions posed in the assignment , and the ability to break-down, analyse and understand those
materials for application in the local working environment.
This assig nment constitutes 60 percent of overal l marks for ELAW .
It is further divided into two parts:
Report (5 0 %) and Presentation ( 5 0 %) .
General Instructions
1. Report and Presentation are parts of the group assignment . There should be a maximum of
FOUR (4) students per group . Marks will be awarded for team work and t eams a bility to plan
& manage the assignment as well as the individuals presentation of the work.
2. You are required to prepare this assignment with your respective group members.
You may
refer to lecture materials, textbooks , newspaper articles or the Internet. You must acknowledge
the author/organization in your Report by way of developing a reference list . Please confine
your answers to Singapore Law only. W hen in doubt, please approach your tutors.
3. Each written Report should have the following type setting:
(a) Arial (font size 1 0) or Times New Roman (font size 12)
(b) One- half Line Spacing
(c) Cover Page
(d) Content Page
4. The Cover Page in your Report should have the following information: (Please use the
attached cover page template)
(a) Full Names of all Assignment Group Members
(b) Admission Numbers of all Assignment Group Members
(c) Class (eg: D IT 3A09 or DCMD 2A01)
(d) Date of submission
5. A completed and scanned copy of Declaration and Statement of Authorship for each group
must be submitted, separate from your Report, via the SafeAssign system . ALL REPORTS
is 25% and below .
6. The Report should be writ ten in a report style (See attached) and they must be submitted in
MS Word (.doc or .docx) format .
7. Reference Page please follow the instructions stated in the guide to Harvard Referencing in
developing your reference page for both reports. A minimum of FOUR (4) references is
required for each Report.
Marking Scheme
Please see marking scheme in your Blackboard.
School of Computing ELAW Assignment Instructions
ELAW ST0276 April 2019
Assignment Brief
Featured article: Love’s labours lost for Cartier in trademark case , The Straits Times , January 1 ,
2019 .
Assignment 1 (5 0%) Report
1. For this assignment, your team should prepare and submit a minimum 6-page Report
(minimum 2500 words ) on the various types of intellectual property and the n eed to protect
ones intellectual property .
2. Th is R eport focuses on exploring the law and it should contain the following information /
(a) Introduction to intellectual property and ALL the various types of intellectual property
( refer to IPOS for all relevant types of intellectual propert y) in Singapore.
(b) Brief explanation on the importance of protecting ones intellectual property.
(c) In -depth discussion of the Trade Mark Act (there is no need to discuss the featured
article , the focus is to discover and discuss the law ) .
(d) Explor ation of two similar Trade Mark infringement cases (one from the Singapore court
and one from an overseas court ) and give a brief explanation of the cases .
3. For the purpose of the assignment, the scope of work defined for each student member in the
group is:
Scope of work Student
1. Introduction (150 words) A
2. Background introduction to intellectual property and various types of
intellectual property in Singapore (800 1200 words) B
3. Importance of protecting ones intellectual property ( 3 00 600 words) A
4. Trade Mark Act in -depth discussion (500 900 words) C
5. Two similar trade mark infringement cases (local and overseas) brief
summary and explanation (500 800 words)
6. Conclusion (150 words) A
Assignment 2 ( 5 0 %) Presentation
1. For this assignment, your team should prepare a short PowerPoint Presentation (not more
than 10 minutes per group) on an in- depth discussion of the featured case.
2. The Presentation focuses on applying the law to the featured case and it should contain the
following information / discussion:
(a) Introduction to intellectual property.
(b) Discussion on how Trade Mark Act can protect a firms works and reputation.
(c) Do you think this an important feature or has an important bearing in the business
strategy of a firm ?
(d) Based on the featured article (Love’s labours lost for Cartier in trademark case ),
conduct a thorough investigation into the case and present your groups findings.
i. Who are the plaintiff and the defendant ?
School of Computing ELAW Assignment Instructions
ELAW ST0276 April 2019
What is /are the main issue(s) in the case?
iii. What are the arguments presented from both sides?
iv. In applying the concepts of the Trade Mark Act , which partys argument(s)
is/are more convincing and what would your conclusion be?
3. For the purpose of the assignment, the scope of work defined for each student member in the
group is:
Scope of work Student
1. Introduction (1 slide) A
2. Trade Mark Act can / cannot protect a firm s work and reputation. It is an
important / unimportant feature or has / has no important bearing in the
business strategy of a firm . (2 3 slides)
B & C
3. Summary of featured article, identify the plaintiffs and the defendants,
explain the main issue(s) in the case and present
the arguments of
plaintiffs and defendant s. ( 2 3 slides)
B & C
4. In accordance to the concepts in the Trade Mark Act , which partys
argument(s) is/are more convincing and what would be your conclusion ?
( 2 3 slides)
A & D
5. Conclusion (1 slide ) A & D
4. Discuss in your group on how to proceed with the presentation where all members must have
a speaking role in the presentation . You are expected to be as creative as possible in
convincing the assessor that your groups arguments are correct on all the points above.
1. Late Submission / Delivery
There is a penalty for late submission of Report. 50% of the marks will be deducted for assignments
that are received within ONE (1) calendar day after the submission deadline. No marks will be
awarded thereafter.
There is a penalty for late attendance on day of Presentation . After the first-15 minutes from the
start of the scheduled presentation, 5 marks will be deducted for each 5- minute block for the next
15 minutes for that defaulter . Any member who arrives beyond 30 minutes from the start of the
scheduled presentation will not be allowed to proceed with the presentation and the defaulter will
not be awarded any mark for this component.
2. Plagiarism
SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! Any instance of scholastic dishonesty
will be dealt with severely. A permissible SafeAssign score is 25% and below. 10 marks will be
deducted for every block of 5% incursion to a maximum of 40%, after which no marks will be
Plagiarism Statement : As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one’s own the
ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong to another. In accordance with this definition, you are
committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own, even if you
should have the permission of that person. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please
consult the Module Coordinator.
School of Computing ELAW Assignment Instructions
ELAW ST0276 April 2019
Structure of report
TITLE PAGE report title your name submission date
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY overview of subject matter methods of analysis
TABLE OF CONTENTS list of numbered sections in report and their page numbers
INTRODUCTION terms of reference ; outline of report?s structure
BODY headings and sub -headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory
CONCLUSION states the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion makes recommendations
REFERENCE LIST list of reference material consulted during research for report (Harvard Refere ncing is preferred)
APPENDIX information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation (if any)
School of Computing ELAW Assignment Instructions