Discuss: How do you attain influence without authority?

Influence without Authority

Bolden, (2016), posit that to gain influence without being in a position of power or authority is possible through character development, expertise knowledge and information. Building a reputable name of honor, truth and honesty commands a lot of respect and makes a person become a face or image of identity in his or her particular field. Expertise knowledge is the professional ability attained from training and approval to give a person the credibility to addressed specialized issues. A person can influence through a logical reasoning, explanation of benefits, and the reassurance of the right course of action gives credibility. Having access to valuable information is critical hence it can influence giving data, facts and proof that might have sensible impact in an organization.


Bolden, R. (2016). Leadership, management and organizational development. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development (pp. 143-158). Routledge.

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