Ethical Practices for Sales Representatives
When discussing ethical business practices, it is imperative to note that customer experience is vital in the sense that the customer or a prospective customer should be able to trust the salesperson enough to buy the commodity (MoneyWatch, 2007). The sales representative must meet the expectation of the needs of the consumer, and satisfy their expectations. Ethical practices are imperative in meeting consumer confidence hence can help the organization to build a credible reputation and brand image. In turn, the business could benefit from consumer loyalty due to the ethical practices that make customer confidence over time. It is also important to note that even though ethical practices have been advocated for, there is no universal ethical code of conduct governing salespeople.
Some of the benefits of using an ethical code of practice in selling business include high profile referrals, good brand image and better sales for the organization. When consumers come to make inquiries, the integrity to which they are treated with and the behavior they witness goes a long way in helping them make decisions on what to buy, and the quantity to purchase. As such, consumers look for the accuracy of the information they are given and the credibility of such information. When the experience is good, the customers would often refer their friends, relatives or colleagues to the same store. Consumer loyalty is thus created from such good customer experiences. When the needs and expectations are met, the customers become loyal to the brand due to the ethical practices of the sales agent. Additionally, when consumers talk good about an organization, the corporate image and profile of the organization are lifted. Proper brand identity and a high number of referral cases lead to higher profit margins from the high number of sales.
MoneyWatch (2007). Building Trust Through Ethical Sales Behavior. Retrieved on October