DextianChua_PROJECT Die Rack Essay

center452701PROJECT: DIE RACK DEPARTMENT STAMPING PROCESSSUPERVISOR CAO YAN HONGSENIOR/ MENTOR WENDY CHUA, YUAN MANDONE BY DEXTIAN CHUA ZONG HENG (INTERN)Contents TOC o “1-3” h z u Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc528829928 h 3Current Situation PAGEREF _Toc528829929 h 3Concerns PAGEREF _Toc528829930 h 4Proposed Solution PAGEREF _Toc528829931 h 4Concept PAGEREF _Toc528829932 h 41.Rotary Carousel Parking System PAGEREF _Toc528829933 h 42.Modula vertical lift PAGEREF _Toc528829934 h 5Research on material handling PAGEREF _Toc528829935 h 5Considerations PAGEREF _Toc528829936 h 8Problem StatementStamping production floor is facing a lack of storage space for our dies and more dies are coming in from USA (United States of America).

Our existing die racks have limited storage space and only have 4 levels of shelving. Our dies vary in terms of size and weight. Current SituationOur dies are stored in horizontal die racks in the production floor. Occupies a lot of land space and has limited storage space for our dies.we track our die using whiteboard. ConcernsDies are heavy. Can be as heavy as 500 kg.

Toolmaker taking die from rack usually is 1-person job. I once saw a toolmaker standing on 1 leg of the stacker, stretching to take a die from the rack.Toolmaker must bend to take the die from the lowest level. Awkward position.Proposed SolutionTo design a vertical rack to store all our dies. This product must be able to help stamping production floor to save space and store all our dies.Concept Rotary Carousel Parking SystemOne of the concepts we are looking at is the rotary carousel parking system. This concept has been around since 1905. We are looking into this concept because this concept can help to save space in stamping production floor and being able to store most if not all our dies. Our concept is to make the vertical rack as simple as possible. Advantage DisadvantageSave space No enclosure -> safety reasonsShorten construction time If there is bad planning, this product will be inefficient and ineffective.Sturdy and rigid Manufacturing cost can be high due to the amount of customization needed.Modula vertical lift Another concept we are looking at is the Modula vertical lift concept. This concept is using the latest technology.Advantage DisadvantageSave space ExpensiveUsing the latest technology If there is bad planning, this product will be inefficient and ineffective.Able to store many dies Maybe not be able to cater to our needs as our dies are heavy.Research on material handlingMaterial Handling bookuses improved materials handling system stays ahead of their competitors. Cut down indirect labour cost.Reduce damage of materials during storage and movement.Maximize space utilization by proper storage of materials and thereby reduce storage and handling cost. Reduce overall cost by improving materials handling.Increase efficiency and saleability of plant and equipment with integral materials handling features.Reduce damage of materials and be more focus on quality of product.Material handling system gets implemented, flexibility for further changes gets greatly reduced. Requires maintenance -> lead to additional maintenance facilities and costs.Failure/stoppage might lead to increased downtime of the production systemSubsystem of production systemLook for lowest cost solution possibleSome key points that I took from my research on material handling are: Planning PrincipleConsider the plant layout before equipment / system design. Assure adequate storage space at the workplace. Avoid placing materials directly on the floor. Place product on a pallet, skid etc. at the beginning of the process. Observe principles of motions economy. Plan productive operations and inspections during material movement, if possible. System PrincipleConsider the entire scope of the handling activities, beyond the scope of immediate concern. Integrate operations into handling systems like processing, inspection, packaging etc. Avoid/ minimize intermediate storage. While designing a materials handling system, the practices/requirements of the suppliers, clients and transporters are to be considered. Allow necessary flexibility considering future requirements/emergencies.Material PrincipleEliminate obstacles from material flow. Plan material movement in a direct path (avoid backtracking, zig-zag movements etc.) Use product layout whenever possible. Minimize movement between floors. Move bulky / weighty materials the least distance. Simplification PrincipleApply principles of motions economy. Avoid unnecessary handling. Eliminate re-handling as much as possible. Plan direct moves. Reduce or eliminate long, awkward or complicated moves. Space utilization PrincipleSpace equipment/processes close together. Eliminate or reduce temporary storage of materials. Use racks to permit higher stacking.Use stacking containers to permit stacking. Exercise economic order quantities to reduce inventory. Safety PrincipleProvide adequate guards & safety devices on materials handling equipment. Do not overload materials handling equipment. Maintain floor in good condition. Provide adequate shop lighting. Provide good housekeeping. Use mirror at aisle intersections. Materials handling equipment operators should be properly trained. Keep materials handling equipment in proper condition and do not use defective equipment. Use mechanical handling equipment for difficult handling activities and to handle dangerous/ hazardous materials. Use proper personal protective gears during handling materials.MaintenanceTrain operators/maintenance personnel properly. Follow maintenance procedures as per manufacturers’ recommendations. Operators should check conditions daily and report. Do regular repair/maintenance to avoid breakdowns. Establish preventive maintenance programme. Maintain adequate spares. Standardize equipment to reduce spares. ConsiderationsProduction downtime (How long?)1 or 2 direction of rotation (clockwise only or anti-clockwise only or able to turn clockwise & anti-clockwise)costTracking of die (How?)Motor drivenFrequency of maintenance.REFERENCES – Wall-E movie rotary shelf. Skip to 1:26 – warehouse retrieval – warehouse retrieval – warehouse retrieval – vertical carousel – vertical carousel – vertical carousel – MODULA vertical lift module

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