develop an Arts curriculum package consisting of a sequence of 3 lesson plans for early childhood students. In your sequence you will include three 1 lessons from each of the arts disciplines of 1)DRAMA, 2)MUSIC 3)VISUAL ART

Your focus is on a single early childhood year level only


The online study materials for each of the arts disciplines of Drama, Music and Visual art:
A resource for Teachers:

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework:
Birth to 8 years (VEYLDF)

The National Early Years Learning Framework EYLF”

Please make sure you use the lesson template provided.

The Assignment

As part of your course you have read about and discussed the unique ways in which students explore the arts in the disciplines of Drama, Music and Visual Art. The focus of these learning experiences is on art making and responding to artworks and through integrated processes that include other curriculum areas including STEM, STEAM, language and Literacy, and Social Studies . The current national and state curriculum documents encourage student engagement with the arts within social and cultural contexts including aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

For this assignment you are required to:

Prepare an Introductory statement: Describe the approach you will take in developing your arts package.

Compile a set of 3 arts lessons. Apply your knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning processes in the Arts to compile a set of 3 arts lessons s for each of the arts disciplines 1)DRAMA, 2)MUSIC and 3)VISUAL ART for early childhood students.

you may decide to focus on concepts of play based learning or intentional learning or perhaps develop your sequence based on the philosophy of educators such as Emilia Reggio. You should identify an age group or kindergarten year level.

Assess Student/ Children’s Learning . You should outline what strategies you intend to use to determine student/children’s engagement in the art learning process. The focus of this aspect of your planning should focus on formative assessment in which you engage in observing and recording children’s engagement with the arts learning processes presented in the lesson. How do they engage with the ideas and activities you have presented. What is their contribution to the activity? Etc.

Key concepts : Putting your teaching ideas into Practice.

Introductory statement

In your introduction you should describe the approach you will take in developing your arts package. Your introduction is based on the belief that students/children are curious active and competent learners and learn by constructing their own knowledge. In this context, teachers are facilitators of student/ children’s learning and should consider the following:

Plan to nurture student/children’s holistic development by:

Designing appropriate learning experiences for them to acquire necessary knowledge, skills and experiences relevant to their age and level of understanding

Organising the learning environment to be a motivating factor in engaging students/children in experimenting, exploring, creating and learning.

Facilitate the learning process to extend student/children’s thinking and learning by:

Engaging in learning through purposeful play ( early childhood)

Providing opportunities for authentic learning through quality interactions (early childhood)

Observe and Assess: Children’s learning and development by planning on how you will collect , document and record information to record what children know , understand and can do.

Reflect on and Enhance professional practice by engaging in personal reflective practice and professional learning.

Planning the Curriculum:

Relevant to early childhood arts learning experiences :

Plan child Focused Arts Learning Experiences

Design appropriate learning experiences for children to acquire arts focused knowledge, skills and dispositions about themselves and the world they live in.

Teachers need to plan and provide opportunities for children to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in creative problem solving using a relevant arts discipline focused or integrated arts approach to facilitate participatory understanding and engagement. These learning experiences include activities within and beyond the classroom as well as transitions between activities which impact at all levels of the child’s cognitive, emotional, physical and social development.

An integrated approach aimed at nurturing children’s holistic development can be planned and organized in any different ways.

Provide a list of resources. Story books, images, video stories, outdoor experiences/activities, visits to the art museum/galleries, arts learning centres for children or excursions to other places of interest such as the Aquarium, or Zoo. These resources should provide children with stimulus and ideas to develop in their arts activities.

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