Muhammad Ashfaq2006-GCUF-1545-420
Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the degree of
November 2018
This thesis is dedicated to my parents along with my uncle Muhammad Habib for their endless love, support and encouragement. Furthermore, I want to thank my sister for her support and love that helped me to be motivated throughout my life.
DECLARATION The work reported in my thesis was carried out by me under the supervision of Dr. Salma Umber, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Mass Communication Government College University, and Faisalabad, Pakistan.
I hereby declare that the title of thesis Impact of Social Networking Sites on Socialization Patterns of University Students and the contents of the thesis are the product of my own research and no part has been copied from any published source except for proper references.
I further declare that this work has not been submitted for the award of any other degree /diploma. The University may take action if the information provided is found inaccurate at any stage.
Muhammad Ashfaq
We certify that the contents and form of a thesis submitted by Mr. Muhammad Ashfaq2006-GCUF-1545-420 have been found satisfactory and in accordance with the prescribed format. We recommend it to be processed for the evaluation by the External Examiner for the award of degree.
Signature of Supervisor
Dr. Salma Umber,
Assistant Professor Stamp .
Member of Supervisory Committee
Dr. Ashraf Iqbal
Signature .
Designation with Stamp .
Member of Supervisory Committee
Mr. Imran Muslim
Signature .
Designation with Stamp
Signature with Stamp
Dean / Academic Coordinator
Signature with Stamp .. .
LIST OF CONTENTS TOC o “1-3” h z u Chapter 1 PAGEREF _Toc17800611 h 1INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc17800612 h 11.1 Background PAGEREF _Toc17800613 h 2Chapter 2 PAGEREF _Toc17800614 h 12LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc17800615 h 12Chapter 3 PAGEREF _Toc17800616 h 20MATERIAL AND METHODS PAGEREF _Toc17800617 h 203.1 Media Dependency Theory PAGEREF _Toc17800618 h 203.2 Methodology PAGEREF _Toc17800619 h 203.3 Method of Content Analysis PAGEREF _Toc17800620 h 213.4 Definition and purpose of Content Analysis PAGEREF _Toc17800621 h 21What content analysis can do? PAGEREF _Toc17800622 h 223.5 Period of Study and selection of content PAGEREF _Toc17800623 h 243.6 Sampling PAGEREF _Toc17800624 h 243.7 Populace of the investigation PAGEREF _Toc17800626 h 243.8 Unit of investigation PAGEREF _Toc17800627 h 243.9 Categories of examination PAGEREF _Toc17800628 h 243.10Coding PAGEREF _Toc17800629 h 253.11 Coding information PAGEREF _Toc17800630 h 253.12 Inter Coder Reliability PAGEREF _Toc17800631 h 253.13 Information investigation PAGEREF _Toc17800632 h 26Chapter 4 PAGEREF _Toc17800633 h 27RESULT AND DISCUSSION PAGEREF _Toc17800634 h 274.1 Data collection and presentation PAGEREF _Toc17800635 h 274.1.1 Frequency PAGEREF _Toc17800636 h 274.1.2 Percentage PAGEREF _Toc17800637 h 274.1.3 Correlation PAGEREF _Toc17800638 h 274.2 Discussion PAGEREF _Toc17800639 h 45Chapter 5 PAGEREF _Toc17800640 h 53SUMMARY CONCLUSION AND PAGEREF _Toc17800641 h 53RECOMMENDATION PAGEREF _Toc17800642 h 535.1 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc17800643 h 535.2 Suggestions PAGEREF _Toc17800644 h 545.3 Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc17800645 h 54References PAGEREF _Toc17800646 h Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table No. TITLE Page No.
Table 1
Total number of news stories Geo News and ARY 27
Table 2 Source of news story from where geo news pick news 28
Table 3 Types of News Stories of Geo News 29
Table 4 Placement of News Stories of Geo News 30
Table 5 Length of News Stories on Geo News 31
Table 6 Action on News stories which are broadcast on Geo News 32
Table 7 Source of news story from where ARY News pick news 33
Table 9 Types of News Stories of ARY News 34
Table 10 Placement of News Stories of ARY News 35
Table 11 Length of News Stories on ARY News 36
Table 12 Action on News stories which are broadcast on ARY News 37
Table 13 Total number of news stories Geo News and ARY 38
Table 14 Source of news story from where geo news pick news 39
Table 15 Types of News Stories of Geo News 40
Table 16 Placement of News Stories of Geo News 41
Table 17 Length of News Stories on Geo News 42
Table 18 Action on News stories which are broadcast on Geo News 43
Table 19 Source of news story from where ARY News pick news 44
Table 20 Types of News Stories of ARY News 45
Table 21 Placement of News Stories of ARY News 46
Table 22 Length of News Stories on ARY News 47
Table 23 Action on News stories which are broadcast on ARY News 48
Table 24 Source of news story from where Geo & ARY News pick news 49
Table 25 Types of News Stories of Geo News & ARY News 50
Table 26 Placement of Story 51
Table 27 Length of News Stories on Geo and ARY News 52
First of all, I am grateful my God who gives me enhance to write a thesis. I offer my humble thanks from the deepest core for my heart to the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) who is forever a model of guidance and knowledge for humanity.
Secondly, I extend thanks to my family specially, my parents, who always helped me in every single step of my life.
Now I would like to thank my respectable supervisor Dr Salma Umber, Assistant Professor, who supervise me in my research work, she critically analyzed my work and pointed out my mistakes and weakness of work and help me to correct all the mistake and give suggestion to how can I improve my work. I would also like to say thanks to all faculty members of the Department of Mass Communication for educating and training me in good manners so that I may be able to complete this thesis. I would also like to thank all my friends and fellows.
Muhammad Ashfaq
This study explored the dependency of formal media on social media. For this purpose news bulletin of GEO and ARY and social media (Face Book and Twitter) is analyzed by the researcher. Further it also elaborates the technological advancement and development which have influenced modern and contemporary formal media and the way of journalists to gather and presents news as well as the way public views and understands ongoing events. The researcher applied Dependency theory. For this purpose the researcher adopted content analysis and purposive sampling method. Improvement and progression in Information Technology day by day has changed over all the way of making and presentation of the news on TV channels. Emergence of new ways, techniques resultantly increases the viewer ship; audience of Electronic Media has gone up dramatically. It is a fact formal media is its initial stages of development. So this researcher explored the ways how and to what extent formal media depend on social media. It is concluded that the Geo News percentage dependency is 46.7% as well as ARY News percentage dependency is 53.3%. It shows that the dependency of ARY News is more than Geo News on social media.
Key Words: Formal media, Social media, dependency, ARY news channel, GEO news channel, Face Book and Twitter.