Dear Che Guevara Greetings my name is John Essay

Dear, Che Guevara

Greetings, my name is John Adams. To give you a brief background about me, I am America’s second president that I served for four years. I am a federalist. Before my presidency, I was associated with the establishment of the nation. I have played many roles, such as the American revolution, the production of the alien and sedition acts, the Boston Massacre, and the failures of my presidency. I did so many critical duties for my country and I am aware that you are striving to do the same for yours.

I had my failures and my feats, with that I am able to provide you with a few suggestions about being a leader.

I am cognizant that you are a voice to spark a revolution for Cuba. Being a leader can be scary and overwhelming so my first advice to you is to be courageous. I have learned this by a simple street confrontation between colonists and the British when the soldiers fired into the crowd and killed five people, which is now known as the Boston Massacre.

No lawyer would represent the British side when it got to court. Eventually, I was asked to be their lawyer. This could?ve ended my career. But I took the case because of my belief in the law. My courage paid off and 4 years later I was sent to the Continental Congress. What I have learned from this is, to stay grounded and don?t be afraid of doing what you believe in regardless of what others believe and what could discourage you. I am knowledgeable that you are an anti-imperialist. Use that as your motivation to continue to stay assured in being an anti-imperialist and be courageous with believing in that. It will benefit you in the long run as it did for me.

My second proposal to you is, to be realistic. One of my biggest mistakes was being part of the Articles of Confederation. I didn?t support a large central government that had absolute power. I agreed with having no executive branch or national court system. The Articles of Confederation caused the federal government not being able to tax. It allowed states to make laws and not follow federal laws. And any amendment needed to have a 13 state approval. This lead to a downfall for America. The problem was all due to the lack of being realistic. There was no executive branch, national court system, the government could not enforce its laws, and the country could not defend their borders. I discovered that if I was realistic, I would have thought about how this could impact our nation negatively. I have heard that you are attempting to become part of Fidel Castro’s efforts to overthrow the Batista government in Cuba. Make sure to be realistic and think is this the right thing I am doing? Is siding with Castro the right thing to do? This is a lesson that I have learned the hard way, and I am wishful that you will learn from my experience.

My last advice to give you is, to protect your people first. My biggest regret was not doing justice for my people in my country during my presidency. In 1798, I signed and passed a series of laws known as the Alien and Sedition acts. At the time I was handling with the conflict with France that led to criticisms by the democratic-republicans. I felt that the democratic-republican criticism was disloyal and I feared that aliens living in the United States would side with the French. So I passed the Alien and Sedition acts. This law made it a crime to criticize government leaders and restricted citizenship for new immigrants. This made deporting easier. My attack on free speech and citizenship backfired and forever damaged my party. I was so caught up in the fact of being fearful of people siding with the French I did not even consider the fact that I violated the constitution and took away the rights of my people. For that, I paid the ultimate price. By the election, I was unpopular in 1800 and Thomas Jefferson beat me in the election. I learned that the law that I passed did not help protect and benefit the people that I was here to help lead and in the end only benefited my views but no one else’s. This is when I learned that my people come first. They are the priority. I have been gathering that you are in charge of the La Caba?a Fortress prison when Castro took power. People are being executed under your orders. You have to remember, these are your people that you are hurting. Please don?t do what I did. It will hurt you in the future.

I am assured you will use all the advice that I gave you. I wish good things for your leadership, for you will do well with the three things that will help you as a leader. Be courageous, realistic, and protect your people. I wish you all the best for your future accomplishments.

Good Wishes always,

John Adams

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