Crimilastics Assignment | Homework Help Websites

In the discussion for this unit, you explored the documentary Child of Rage, with an emphasis on finding best practices and the importance of forensic protocols in structuring interviews. In this activity, your task is to find 5 examples of real-life cases reflecting interviews using poor forensic practice. In finding these examples, place an emphasis on cases involving children, adults, and the elderly. Supply a summary of the case, proper documentation of the location of the case, the specific errors in protocol, and what happened in the case. This review will be 4 pages.

The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Conduct independent research finding 5 examples of real-life cases reflecting interviews using poor forensic practice.
  2. Of the 5 examples, at least 1 must include a case involving a child, 1 involving an adult, and 1 involving an elderly individual.
  3. Write a report including the following sections:
    • Introduction to the report
    • Overview of the importance of proper interviewing protocol
    • 2 paragraphs documenting each example of a real-life case
    • 1 paragraph conclusion
  4. Include no fewer than 6 scholarly resources.
  5. Ensure the report is at least 4 pages long
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