Communication Barriers in Hospital

Barriers prevent improvement or modification of current protocols. Organizations can have cultures in the present that make changes in company policy difficult to accomplish. Nurse leaders are an important part of advocacy for change in policies that affecte nursing units and patient care. Nurse leaders receive firsthand knowledge of issues that effect the hospital negatively through communication with staff. Safety culture is a combination of safety and culture. Safety culture in an organization is determined by internal and external factors. External factors could be based on openness and reachability with the administration to implement change.

Communication Barriers in Hospital 1

The administration could be a barrier to change implementation and make communication of issues difficult to convey. Administration focuses on benchmark and joint commission scores in order to achieve hospital satisfactory scores and receive grants for reaching benchmark ratings. The hospital from the administration side is viewed as a business. Numbers are mainly the focus of administration when assessing the status of the hospital financially. Security is a part of safety culture in an organization. Safety culture can be used to reduce the impact of external factors that negatively effect the workplace environment. Nurse leaders will have to rely on values, and attitudes that facilitate health and safety at work in order to overcome barriers to safety culture. Nurse leaders are supervisors that help determine the role of safety culture and performance in the workplace, Job, A., Silva, I., & Moreira, T. (2020). The perception of administration not receiving input on the decrease of workplace safety can make to nurse leader feel powerless in advocating for fellow employees. Nurse leaders will present issues with current workplace safety issues, patient falls, low staffing and other issues need to be addressed to administration for a solution

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