Childhood memory Essay

Childhood Memories

When recalling my childhood memories, there are many stories. Some of them making me happy, but some of them are not good memories. I grew up in Tehran, capital of Iran, and come from small family, my mother, my father and me. Whenever I think about my childhood some memories come to my mind such as war between Iran and Iraq, spending weekends at my grandma’s house, playing with my friends, and my father’s sickness. I remember I was too little when the war between Iran and Iraq began.

Bad feelings and terrible memories of those days are not something easy to be vanished from the mind, although I was too little to feel fear, but I could see fear in my parents face; when I was eight years old we went to the north of Iran in order to continue my second class, while all of the schools in Tehran were closed because of the war; I found very good friends in that school and we still are in contact with each other through Facebook.

Spending weekends at my grandma’s house is one of the best memories that I have; smelling the food that she was cooking is something unforgettable, sitting on her lap and listening to her historical stories helped me a lot to learn the history of my country.

Sometimes she was telling me the story of her life, and I really was enjoying listening to her. The worst thing in my life that I can remember is the day we found out my dad got MS. In this disease some viruses attack nerve’s system and disrupt transferring nerve’s impulses function; since then my father’s situation got worse and worse and now he is sitting in wheelchair. Summers were best season for me, while my friends and I were playing variety of games together such as: hide and seek, volleyball, football; in those days we were free of real life responsibilities and had no concerns at all. To sum it all up childhood is very precious time in every body’s life and the fundamental of human’s essence shapes in these days. For instance I learnt my first lesson of being strong in those hard time, being helpful to other people when I saw my dad’s weakness and his need to be helped, and enjoying my life, while life is too short.

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