Chapter four41 Research findingsThe sources of visual pollution Essay

Chapter four

4.1. Research findings

The sources of visual pollution by outdoor advertising in the study area.

Major sources or causes of visual pollution can be categorized as

Excessive Advertising:

There are stifling gigantic display boards outside a busy shop on the road in the study region, which are influenced by excessive advertising. The well-known complaint that it is too much publicity and that is very annoying.

Business oriented Development:

Design, rhythm, organization, purity and space harmony must be kept while working in an urban jungle.

Business and income-hunger overwhelmingly only business value is provided priority, rather than quality, of urban landscape, by government agencies, construction owners, businesses and advertising firms, designers and developers. But all of them suffer from this problem, which makes the negative impact more visible than the intended objective.

? Additional funding for mitigating works will be compelled from the government.

? Construction owners would lose considerable cash to repair damages and maintenance work

? Business owners are compelled to substitute substandard outdoor advertising with fresh outdoor advertising and spend additional money over and over.

? Planners and designers also need to review their existing methods of understanding urban landscape visuals and rework new regulations and rules, which will also take a lot of time and budget.

Negligence of Municipal Authorities

Even if there are certain general outdoor advertising guidelines in the Mauritius Constitution, there are no specific rules concerning visual pollution. In national state levels in particular, the proclamation does not seem to be used by the police, and therefore the local authorities involved in developing the dessie town are losing track and control with co-sided moment over what is clustered or montages in government areas.

The lack of strong oversight and secular powers for legislative, monitoring and enforcement of the regulations are the main elements behind that. Authorities know very little about what and where, and visual aesthetics can hardly be repaired, regardless of who owns the estate.

4.2. Conclusion

I thought that, in my original hypothesis, there is a lot of publicity in the open with significant space impact. After the research I found that outdoor publicity has the same effect as I thought in the first place on the visual quality of our towns. In room, identity and socio-cultural social values, symbols and signs have an effect.

The fact that nobody will renounce the advertising trend is very evident. Why is one the best way to communicate information when building faces and public spaces? In the paper the methodology as an illustrator of impact is extensively discussed. The objective was to keep the ideas in the middle of the discussions and consider the solutions. The fast implementation and improvement of our advertising methods of the latest communication technologies will assist to reduce that criticism.

All debate experts can agree that the promotion of mass goods, store places, product prices and the distinct markets play a significant part in offering data. These are the fundamental and economic features of the publicity concept. However, individual approaches can assist create a better view of our local streets.

As a professional or as a citizen concerned, it is a common thought that we can all share, regardless of whether we like it or not, all of us have suffered the effect that would make us an ingredient in the matter. A constant effort and united effort by all people and officials would be necessary to accomplish this.

We conclude from the studies that we need to set norms and proclamations in order to end this carriage, but it’s a reality that if we can, at least, consider the following guidelines, we will alter our urban landscape considerably positively.

4.3. Recommendations

4.3.1. Standard controls


The best and most efficient way to design a business building is to incorporate signposting, publicity and the building itself. It requires the building to be used as a ‘ frame ‘ or as a context for the markings in order to complement the building and publicity.

Signage should look like it was intended to ‘ complete ‘ the building’s type, style and size.

Investment attracts a lot of attention to the building’s appearance quality. Therefore, as part of the presentation of their property to the public, the occupants / owners should repair or paints facades and shopfront.

Location of signs

Special panels on the building fa?ade, door beams and finishes, on the top of glass store fronts and on storefront are the preferred sights to be on the horizontal panels below the cornices. The upper front corner of the face walls, as well as the face surface regions, (e.g. between, above and below festers), may also be acceptable.

Content of signs

The priority for content of signs should be:

1.The business name


2.The nature of the business and/or services offered,


3.Limited further information e.g. “Specializing in…or, phone number is…”

Often for phone and street numbers, small panels are helpful. More data in the streetscape is usually unsuitable and should be announced otherwise

Layout and design of signs

The best interests of the employees are being distorted by an audacious, clear and non-repetitive sign which is applicable to the key tasks of the company. An audacious information statement will be more effective than many smaller repetitions. Signs are meant to concentrate on the key data, therefore it is desirable that attention is paid to the primary message.

As the structure itself is symmetrically structured, symmetrical layouts are generally more efficient. In particular, when the product signs are intended to concentrate each of them on its own), too much data on structures can be counterproductive and thus create a confusion of competing signs.

Sign panels

Architectural boards should include signs and architectural characteristics should not overlap and cover.

e.g Windows and moldings. When viewed from the road, panels should not enter the skyline. The entire panel must be used and the shape and proportion of the panel should be the responsibility for its design.

Signs should not better be painted directly on the construction face or on a flush panel, but not plastic, attached and fitted within the architectural panel. Signs on unpainted brickwork or stone should not be painted.

Where signs are painted on the overall wall faces, a boundary separating the background color of the sign from the construction color should be used to define their perimeter.

Signs on glass

Signs on store fronts or upper windows are suitable, but only if the view to and from the building is not obscured. This is especially important for the front signs of the store that should not obscure the glass display.


Signage colors are usually simpler to read than bright or primary colors, but still colors with powerful contrasts are much simpler to read. Sign colors shall be limited to panels of signs. In general, it will be unacceptable to paint a building in corporate colours. The structure itself must have acceptable colors. A design license can be needed to paint a building externally in some places.

Signs on non-commercial buildings

Sometimes companies occupy residential buildings. This scenario can pose problems with the inclusion of a usual company sign, since such signs would not usually have been adapted for the construction. When a residential building occupied by a company is located in a commercial zone, a sign may exceed that area but should be compatible with the building design.

Signs below verandahs

Signs hanging under the verandahs at right angles to and at the center of the front lines or spandrels are acceptable subject to other regulations ‘ limitations. No limitations on size, form or content are proposed, other than that signs must provide a 2.7m clearance above the ground.

Sandwich boards

Traffic should not be interrupted on sandwich boards or other signs on footpaths or pedestrian routes. They should also be mobile and separated from the floor or from any other units


Mobile signs and banners etc. are not acceptable in general. Signs should be permanent, unless a particular exemption is granted by the planning scheme.

Public Open Space

Sign policies in open space must apply to advertising restrictions, provisional signs, placement of signs etc. The planning officer should grant permission to guide signs located in public spaces.

Temporary signs

In general, there can be no limit to advertisements for temporary signs or property sales, etc. Temporary signs should not generally obscure the architecture or harm buildings ‘ fabric and must be removed instantly after the event has ended.

Canvas /Awnings canopies

Again in local cases, the installation of markers and canopies and of various panels applied outside buildings seem to affect the cities informally and visually disturbingly. But when correctly fitted and maintained, awnings and canopying can add shade, shelter, shade patterns, and visual value to improve a building’s appearance and function. The design, materials and colors of the building should be supplemented with marquees.


Canvas over top-floor windows for signage are not encouraged. For signage purposes. These canopies of the canvas are intended to integrate with the construction

When awnings, both retractable and fixed, are used, they should be a component of the design. Markers should be located directly over windows or doors to protect and maintain them from the elements.


Canopies of highly reflective materials should not be made. The fa?ade of the building should be completed by their colours. No graphic contents or signs, monolithic color or texture of fresh and secondary colours, should be present.

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