
Microbiology Case Study Essay

You are working as an emergency room nurse in Topeka when a mother brings in her 8 year old son because of severe, bloody diarrhea. When questioned, the boy said that it hurts when he goes to the bathroom and his mother said he had vomited in the previous two days. When asked about their […]

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Microbial Flora on Restaurant Beverage Lemon Slices Essay

December 2007, Volume 7; Number 5, Page 18; http://www. neha. org Forty-three visits to twenty-one different restaurants show bacteria on an item we often request (and sometimes don’t) to garnish our water, soda, tea or alcoholic beverages. The study conducted, investigated whether lemon slices used in restaurants as drink garnishes contain microbial contamination that may […]

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Antibiotic Sensitivity Lab Essay

Why is it an important feature of antimicrobial agents? Selective toxicity is the ability of a chemical or drug to kill a microorganism without harming its host. Selective toxicity is important to microbial agents because it enables these agents to inhibit or kill a microorganism by interacting with microbial functions or structures different from those […]

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Causes and Spread of Infection Essay

1.1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria, fungi and parasites are all considered as ‘living’ things,. Bacteria are single celled microorganisms that can only been seen through a microscope, they collect their nutrition from their surrounding and unlike viruses, they do not need a living host to reproduce. Viruses are difficult to destroy because they are […]

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