
Economic Crisis in Zimbabwe Essay

Zimbabwe is currently facing the worst economic crisis in its history. The inflationary rates are in an all time high while unemployment rate is more than ninety percent. The current economic crisis has been caused by various factors which can be described as economical, social and political. The land reforms which were undertaken by the […]

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Economic Impact of Natural Disasters Essay

Natural disasters are catastrophes hauled by the nature on man. They may bring about large scale destruction depending on the type of natural disaster. Natural disasters include a range of hazards which may cause widespread devastation and human and animal casualties. They range from floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, tsunamis, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, famine, heat […]

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Economics Sba Essay

Title: An analysis into the involvement of adults in the financial sector. Purpose of Investigation The purposes of this research are: 1. To identify the association of adults with the formal sector of Tobago. 2. To determine the involvement of adults in the informal sector of Tobago. 3. To determine the factors affecting the involvement […]

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Economic Growth And Standard Of Living Essay

To understand any topic it is always important to take note of the key words. In this case I am going to first pin point the key words. Economy in a lay man’s language is the management of finances or care in the use of resources. Others may say it is a system of producing […]

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Contemporary Economic Systems of the World Essay

Humans need supply of food and other necessities in order to survive and prevail. The way through which humans manage and arrange their provisions is called the economic system. The oldest of all these systems is the barter system in which goods are exchanged without any proper currency involved. The three major contemporary economic systems […]

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Referee Report for Economics Manuscript Essay

“Different Risk-Adjusted Fund Performance Measures: A Comparison” Summary This paper compares various risk-adjusted performance measures for a set of mutual funds. The authors argue that performance measures based on Value-at-Risk (VaR) or Extreme Value Theory (EVT) are more appropriate than other popular performance measures such as the Sharpe ratio (SR), the Treynor index (TI) or […]

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Elements of Expatriate Compensation Essay

The sum of pragmatic substantiation on the interaction between reimbursement stratagem and national culture and echelon of trade and industry progression of an economy is virtually not anything (Harvey, 1993). Due to the advent of globalization and the constantly rising total of international business, the Society for Human Resource Management International has observed that several […]

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Bathroom Fittings and Fixtures Industry in India Essay

Bathroom Fittings and Fixtures Industry Industry overview: The bathroom fittings industry which was not given much importance till a few years back in India has suddenly picked up. This has mainly happened due to the rising income of the people, rapid urbanization, and growth in the class conscious middle class. The Bathroom fittings industry in […]

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Better Pay and Working Conditions in Multinational Essay

Reaction Paper Part I: Identification Alexander Hijzen and Paul Swaim, “Do multinationals promote better pay and working conditions? ” OECD (Organization for Economic Development) Observer, October 2008; Issue 269, pp 15 – 17. Part II: Abstract Summary The article examines the behavior of international business enterprises, also known as multinational enterprises (MNEs), wages and working […]

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Between 1820 and 1860 there were a few fundamental differences between the economies of the North and South Essay

?Between 1820 and 1860 there were a few fundamental differences between the economies of the North and South. How far do you agree? Between 1820 and 1860 there were problems in America that resulted in the civil war in 1861, the economy affected the North and South during the civil war, and some major differences […]

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