5.1 Situation Analysis/ Size-Up/Assumptions _____/ 8 points
- P#1 – Key decision-makers in case, their title, name of firm, etc.
Main aspects of situation: the market, the industry, the
product, the customer, etc.
- P#2 – Summarize the facts of case
- P#3 – Identify symptoms occurring
- P#4 – Critical inferences based on facts related to symptoms
- Subhead – Assumptions
5.2 The Problem Statement _____/ 8 points
- Broad corporate perspective of root cause
- Follow the 4 rules of thumb
- Addresses how the strategic position of firm isbeing negatively affected by problem
5.3 Analysis _____/ 24 points
- Financial or quantitative calculations of firm
- Qualitative analysis of customer, competition, issues related to the supply chain
5.31Environmental Scanning and Analysis
SWOT Analysis
- S & W
- O & T
5.4 Alternatives _____/ 20 points
- At least 3 tactical alternatives offered
- At least 3 adv and 3 disadv for each alternative
5.5 Recommendation and Plan of Action _____/ 20 points
- Provide criteria reasoning for your selection
- Explain why other alternatives were not selected
- Addresses how problem statement is resolved
- Mitigation of disadvantages
- Specific timelines (table insert) for specific action items addressed
5.7 Concluding Comments _____/ 10 points
- Summarizes major issues/problems
- Summarizes recommendation
- Reasoning for acting on the action plan
- Positive ‘Call To Action’ ending
5.6 Format and Structure _____/ 10 points
- Use of subheads, margins, fonts, spacing, pages numbered
Proper cover sheet
- Proper grammar and spelling
TOTAL POINTS EARNED _____/ 100 points