04 June 2019
Bushbuckridge Local Municipality
TOC o “1-5” h z u 1.Defining the geographical area PAGEREF _Toc338774590 h 42.Situation analysis PAGEREF _Toc338774591 h 52.1.Demographics (Population and development profiles) PAGEREF _Toc338774592 h 52.1.1.Growth&Demographic Profile PAGEREF _Toc338774596 h 5 2.1.2. Dwelling Types……………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
2.2.Determining current waste generation and estimating future waste generation rates and quantities PAGEREF _Toc338774606 h 92.2.1.Domestric Waste Generation PAGEREF _Toc338774607 h 92.3.Waste quantities and types PAGEREF _Toc338774617 h 132.3.1.Weighbridge PAGEREF _Toc338774618 h 132.
3.2.Volume density estimation system PAGEREF _Toc338774625 h 142.3.3.Waste stream analysis PAGEREF _Toc338774626 h 152.4.Waste recycling, treatment and disposal PAGEREF _Toc338774627 h 162.4.1.Status Quo of Waste Disposal Facilities PAGEREF _Toc338774628 h 162.4.2.Status Quo of Waste Treatment Facilities PAGEREF _Toc338774636 h 172.4.3.Status Quo of Waste Recyclers PAGEREF _Toc338774645 h 182.4.4.Status Quo of other types of facilities PAGEREF _Toc338774655 h 192.5.Status of waste collection services PAGEREF _Toc338774656 h 202.5.1.National Domestic Waste Collection Standandards…………………………………………. PAGEREF _Toc338774657 h 202.6.Financing of Waste Management PAGEREF _Toc338774677 h 242.
6.1.Budget/Expenditure: Income and expenditure PAGEREF _Toc338774678 h 242.6.2.Revenue sources PAGEREF _Toc338774688 h 262.6.4.Organisational and institutional matters PAGEREF _Toc338774699 h 273.Desired end state PAGEREF _Toc338774700 h 283.1.Setting strategic goals, targets and indicators PAGEREF _Toc338774701 h 284.Identify, evaluate and select alternatives PAGEREF _Toc338774705 h 314.1.Strategic goals, targets, timeframe, budget PAGEREF _Toc338774706 h 315.Communication and Stakeholder Participation PAGEREF _Toc338774707 h 345.1.Consultation Process Summary PAGEREF _Toc338774708 h 346.Implementation Instruments PAGEREF _Toc338774712 h 356.1.Partnerships PAGEREF _Toc338774713 h 356.2.Legislative instruments: Development and enforcement of by-laws PAGEREF _Toc338774714 h 366.3.Funding mechanisms PAGEREF _Toc338774715 h 376.4.Implementation Plan (Summary of an IWMP Planning Process) PAGEREF _Toc338774716 h 387.Reporting on Monitoring PAGEREF _Toc338774719 h 407.1.Strategic issues PAGEREF _Toc338774720 h 417.2.Performance PAGEREF _Toc338774721 h 427.3.Public accountability PAGEREF _Toc338774722 h 437.4.Communication and public participation plan PAGEREF _Toc338774723 h 447.5.Financial plan PAGEREF _Toc338774724 h 457.6.Waste management implementation programme PAGEREF _Toc338774725 h 46Annexure or References (Optional) PAGEREF _Toc338774726 h 47
Defining the geographical areaThe Bushbuckridge Local Municipality (MP325) is a piece of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality (DC32) arranged in Mpumalanga Province. Bushbuckridge is isolated into 11 areas and 32 wards. The fundamental townships are Mkhuhlu, Bushbuckridge, Thulamahashe and Acornhoek. The region is flanked toward the north by Maruleng Local Municipality in the Mopani District Municipality of the Limpopo Province with Hoedspruit being in the middle.
The eastern fringe is the Kruger NationalPark and the Sabie Sands saves. Toward the west lies theDrakensburg slope and Blyde River Canyon in Thaba Chewu Local Municipality. It is a piece of the Kruger to Cnyon Biosphere.
The number of inhabitants in Bushbuckridge Local Municipality is 548 760 as indicated by the most recent 2016 measurements. The region is as of now described and overwhelmed by VaTsonga, Mapulana clan and Swati talking individuals as indigeneous occupants.
Situation analysisDemographics (Population and development profiles)2.1.1 Growth & Demographic Profile
Growth estimates
Municipality Population (as per Census 2011): 541248
Estimated Population Growth (%) as per Census 2011: 0.79
Estimated current population as of 2016 (year is a parameter): 562627
Demographic profile
Youth 400400
Middle age 101071
Old age 39778
Male 246023
Female 295224
Primary 149218
Secondary 221637
Tertiary 22138
Employed 61710
Unemployed 326602
Population distribution graphs:
2.1.2. Dwelling Types
House or brick/concrete block structure on a separate stand or yard or on a farm: 127570
Traditional dwelling/hut/structure made of traditional materials: 3634
Flat or appartment in a block of flats: 380
Cluster house in complex: 75
Townhouse (semi-detached house in a complex): 11
Semi-detached house: 58
House/flat/room in backyard: 286
Informal dwelling (shack in backyard): 746
Informal dwelling (shack not in backyard e.g. in a informal/squatter settlement or on a farm: 851
Room/flatlet on a property or larger dwelling/servants quarters/granny flat: 290
Caravan/tent: 58
Other: 238
Dwelling types graphs:
Determining current waste generation and estimating future waste generation rates and quantitiesDomestic Waste generation
Current waste generation and estimated future waste generation
Current domestic waste generation rates 2167.05
Future domestic waste generation rates (in 10 years) 21670.5
Domestic waste generation graph:
Waste quantities and typesWeighbridgeThe Bushbuckridge Local Municpality do not have an approved landfill or transfer site where they arrange off their waste. It is a necessity from the National Environmental Management Waste Act for Municipalities to have a landfill site that is found away from local locations to dispose off the waste gathered from the residences.
A weighbridge is additionally required for the landfill site so as to quantify and record the measure of waste that is brought to the site and the amount to charge for the administrations as per the volume of waste that was recorded.
In a circumstance whereby the landfill site does not have a weighbridge, the region must utilize layouts that were created by Department of Environmental Affairs. The layouts give direction on how waste amounts can be evaluated for various waste streams.
Volume density estimation systemThe municipality does not have a permitted landfill site
Waste type/streams Waste generated per annum (tons) Total percentages
Organic waste 3023600 15 %
Cans N/A 0 %
Paper 1734411 57 %
Glass 959816 23 %
Plastic 1308637 18 %
Construction and demolition waste 4725542 16 %
Tyres 246631 4 %
Other 36171127 0 %
Total 494 784 01 100 %
Waste stream analysisNo information on waste stream analysis.
Waste recycling, treatment and disposalStatus Quo of Waste Disposal facilities
Refuse removal services are incorporate weekly house to house refuse collection currently in townships and local business regions of each of the eleven locales. The administrations are continuously being taken off in towns as greater part of country networks don’t approach reject evacuation administrations. Bulk waste management facilities are a prerequisites, particular hardware equipment needs and developing waste volumes are straightforwardly connected to populace extension, framework improvement and development in the travel industry. An approved landfill site and an arrangement of multipurpose exchange stations will be built up as the district has no allowed landfill site.
The current illegal dump locales have reached full limit in certain territories and don’t agree to administrative prerequisites. When an allowed landfill site and related foundation is set up, the unlawful dumpsites will be restored and changed over into green spaces. Rendering proficient and powerful deny evacuation administrations is as yet a test for the district. The total number of community individuals who have their refuse collected by the Municipality once seven days are 17873, and those that is collected more than once in seven days are 3723 however the most are the ones who utilize their very own communal dump which is at 467290 this is expected as the district is mostly rural.
Status Quo of Waste Treatment Facilities
Providing effective waste management services is still a challenge for the municipality. No information was provided on the current waste managemnt facilities. The municipality has a landfill site which has reached its full capacity currently, and rehabilitation measures have not yet been disclosed.
Status Quo of Waste RecyclersRecycling initiatives are mainly informal and plans are in place to formalize recycling initiatives by establishing a recycling centre. The intervention assist the municipality in improving landfill space-saving targets for the proposed permitted landfill site and reduce the burden on the current illegal dumpsites which are to be decommissioned and rehabilitated. Separation at source pilot projects are conducted throughout the municipality to support the recycling facilities and meet waste minimization targets.
Status Quo of other types of facilities PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITIES
Bushbuckridge municipality has 3 hospitals, with 5 community health centers and 37 clinics .
collection servicesNational Domestic Waste Collection Standards
Item Total number
Households 124596
Serviced households 11794
Unserviced households 112802
Indigent households 108601
Unserviced indigent households 487
Service Level A: On-site appropriate and regularly supervised disposal 0
Service Level B: Community transfer to central collection point: 0
Service Level C: Organised transfer to central collection points and/or kerbside collection: 0
Service Level D: Mixture of Service Level B and Service Level C: 0
Total Serviced households as per the National Domestic Waste Collection Standards: 0
National Domestic Waste Collection Standards Graph:
Financing of Waste ManagementBudget/Expenditure: Income and expenditureItem Amount
Transportation R 0
Capex-purchase (vehicles) R 0
Maintenance R 40 585
Fuel R 0
Receptacles R 0
General R 786715
R 0
Subtotal R 827 300
Staff (remuneration) R 37359100
Education and awareness R 0
By-laws R 0
R 0
Subtotal R 37359100
Transfer station R 0
Disposal sites R 0
Acquisition of land, equipment R 0
Regulatory compliance, EIAs and licence R 0
Waste management R 312 325
Subtotal R 0
Total R 38186400
Budget/Expenditure graph:
Revenue sourcesSource Amount
Funding sources R 0
MIG Funding R 0
Equitable share funding R 0
Revenue from waste disposal fees R 0
R 0
Total R 0
Organisational and institutional mattersOrganogram:
Desired end stateSetting strategic goals, targets and indicators
Goal 1: Promote recycling and recovery of waste
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To assist the municipality in improving landfill space-saving targets Waste minimization Separation of waste at the source Before the establishment of a proposed landfill site
To reduce the burden on the current illegal dumpsites Street cleaning Goal 2: Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of waste services
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To facilitate the provision of at least a basic level of waste service to all Provision of basic level of waste service to all Implement the basic refuse removal policy Promote the regionalisation of waste management services. Goal 3: Ensure that legislative tools are developed to deliver on the Waste Act and other applicable legislation
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
Goal 4: Sound budgeting and financing of waste management services
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
Goal 5: Ensure the safe and proper disposal of waste
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To prevent additional pollution Keeping a clean environment Ensuring that waste is collected frequently Almost every week
Securing peoples health Goal 6: Education and awareness
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To provide every person with opportunities to acquire knowledge, values and skills. Communities Awareness programmes To acquire skills needed to protect and improve the environment. Staff/workers Phamplets, posters Goal 7: Compliance and enforcement
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To ensure that organization has systems of internal control that adequately measure and manage the risks that it faces. Chief Directorates Compliance officer
monitoring and enforcement
Identify, evaluate and select alternativesStrategic goals, targets, timeframe, budget
Goal 1: Promote recycling and recovery of waste
Objectives Targets Alternatives Budget
Goal 2: Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of waste services
Objectives Targets Alternatives Budget
Goal 3: Ensure that legislative tools are developed to deliver on the Waste Act and other applicable legislation
Objectives Targets Alternatives Budget
Goal 4: Sound budgeting and financing of waste management services
Objectives Targets Alternatives Budget
Goal 5: Ensure the safe and proper disposal of waste
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To prevent additional pollution Keeping a clean environment Ensuring that waste is collected frequently Almost every week
Securing peoples health Goal 6: Education and awareness
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To provide every person with opportunities to acquire knowledge, values and skills. Communities Awareness programmes To acquire skills needed to protect and improve the environment. Staff/workers Phamplets, posters Goal 7: Compliance and enforcement
Objectives Targets Activities Timeframe
To ensure that organization has systems of internal control that adequately measure and manage the risks that it faces. Chief Directorates Compliance officer
monitoring and enforcement
Communication and Stakeholder ParticipationConsultation Process SummaryStakeholder Issues raised/ Concerns Municipalitys response General comments
Implementation InstrumentsPartnerships
Legislative instruments: Development and enforcement of by-laws
Funding mechanisms
Waste collection services
water tariffs
prepaid electricity
Implementation Plan (Summary of an IWMP Planning Process)Waste Management
problem statement
Rendering efficient and effective waste management services and integration of rural villages is a challenge for the municipality. Lack of proper infrastructure and poor waste management system results in illegal dumping and pollution of our natural resources
Implementation of IWMP
Seven licensed landfill site, one licensed regional landfill site under construction, three licensed transfer stations and 34 7420 house hold collection (25.3%)
50% house hold have access to waste collection/refus e removal
Close all landfill site and operate the Regional landfill site, servicing of 137 419 house holds
Development of Regional Landfill sites, 3 transfer stations, Rehabilitation and closure of seven dumping sites Purchase of 50 skip bins per financial year Purchase of one compactor truck or Skip truck per financial year Review IWMP Gazette waste by-laws and implementation
Goal: Create an economically desirable environment to attract local
Situation Analysis Desired end state (Goals) Targets Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Selected alternatives (Implementation mechanisms) Resources
Human Resource (HR) Equipment (EQP) Finance
STAFF R1 500 000
Reporting on Monitoring
Strategic issues
Public accountability
Communication and public participation plan
Financial plan
Waste management implementation programme
PHI Bushbuckridge Agricultural Development Plan2016
National Waste Information Baseline Report- South African Waste Information Centre. 2012.