BIM impact on H&S practices in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Building and construction services are in need for a new model for collaboration. While traditionally, operators in the building industry used CAD to build so models, the main drawback was lack of relations with other aspect of the work of engineers. For example, a kitchen is related to the main house and so are other components of a structure. A good model should related different objects so that when a change is made in one object, a corresponding update to the other objects in terms of the relationship is made to ensure consistency and retain ease of understanding (Porwal & Hewage 2013 p. 210). BIM promises stakeholders in the building industry the ability to build intelligent models and enhance collaboration. H&S collaboration is critical, given that the country is in the midst of massive buildings and construction boom where the government has invested billions of dollars. For H&S adopting the BIM will improve its ability to release project deliverables within a short period.  The National Projects Company (NAPRC) is one of the leading road and bridge construction companies in Saudi Arabia. The company has developed a reputation for undertaking large, complex projects. With the growing reputation, the firm will continue to attract more customers and projects; hence, tackling more than a dozen projects at once. Given the scale of operations, the firm is in need for collaborative services and software in order to improve the manpower. In general, building and construction services are in need for a new model for collaboration. As we review this area of study, one major research question that should be probed is: what are the impacts of BIM in allowing collaboration and incorporation of H&S practices early in the construction process………………………………………………………..


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