To:Dr. Ryan Porter
CC:Algonquin College
From:Feras Shaab
Date: DATE * MERGEFORMAT 2019-10-22
Re:Proposal for energy audit consulting service
Dear Dr. Porter
I, Feras Shaab, a student at Algonquin College, Faculty of Building Science Engineering, I am proposing to do a report examines several potential retrofit options for the aged and failing building systems at 24 Sussex Dr, the official residence of the Canadian Prime minister. These options are examined on the basis of their energy efficiency, their ease of installation, economic feasibility as well as their impact on the architectonic value thus the impact on property value looking forward.
The end result, an action plan for the National Capital Commission (NCC) which will be used to rein in the excessive operational overheads and begin their energy overhaul of this Heritage site.
The official residence located on a two-hectare property and occupies an area of 1000 square-meter overlooking the Ottawa River. The building consists of 34 rooms. The electrical system was last updated in 1950, and still has some knob-and-tube electrical wiring, a system thats been obsolete since around 1945, [1] .
the electrical system is operating at nearly maximum capacity beside being a fire hazard and cannot meet increases in demand or new operational requirements. knowing that the only renovations to the electrical system would have been done in 1950, and that while retrofit energy efficient bulbs could have been implemented, the system itself would not have been installed with efficient lighting in mind. Furthermore, both the units and windows are quickly approaching the end of their useful life-cycles. Also, the residence still uses a natural gas boiler and radiator system for heat, while the boiler in and of itself is an energy efficient transducer, the radiator systems that distribute the heat energy rely on vast poorly insulated conduits, natural convection, and heat spaces unevenly.
The project goal is to evaluate energy savings opportunities from retrofitting the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and lighting systems at 24 Sussex street with industry proven energy conservation technologies and control strategies. This will be done by making some assumptions regarding existing system components and their efficiency. From there I can use available efficiencies and costs of modern systems, I can estimate how much we might expect to save in comparison.
With assuming an approximate cost of 5,800$ per month, the annual energy consumption and associated costs of the building for electricity reaches to 56,566$. Therefore, it goes without saying that the entire wiring system will have to be replaced. All two-prong wires, Cloth-covered wires, Aluminum wires, and knob & Tube need to be replaced with new modern insulated wiring. The panel and Breakers will also need to be modernized. Finally, I would not recommend using PV Panels for roof solar panels installation since finding out that the roofs orientation is not suitable as they are oriented west and east whereas they should have been oriented south of Ottawa.
For Heating and Cooling, I would recommend the later, thats to say the water source heat pump vs the ground source, as there is already issues of instability with the limestone cliff which are part of another remediation project. Besides, the cost of drilling multiple cores through limestone to depths of 100 feet or more could be exorbitant. A heat pump costs a little more than a gas furnace, but it is vastly more energy-efficient. In fact, while a gas furnace is always less than 100% efficient (newer models are usually 9295%), a heat pump can achieve efficiencies of 300400% (i.e. 1 unit of energy in = 34 units of heating out) [2].
knowing that heating and cooling loads make up the kings share of energy consumption for any household. Giving the existing boiler at 24 Sussex the benefit of the doubt and assigning it the unrealistic efficiency of 100%, a water source heat pump with efficiencies ranging from 300% to 400% would still far outperform this. In fact, even using the least efficient heat pump at 300% would require ? the energy input for the same amount of heat produced. Whats more is that this same system provides air conditioning at the same efficiency rate. Geothermal units are also well suited to large open drafty spaces as they produce large volumes of lower temperature air. According to Hydro Quebec, just the Heating, Cooling, and hot water make up just over 75% of all the energy consumed in a household. This means its possible to cut energy consumption overall by (? of 74% of the total). Solar Wall collector can be installed at the south elevation of the building. The Solar Wall absorbs solar energy in winter months to preheat the outdoor airflow entering the air-handling unit.
For lighting, I recommend switching to all LED lighting systems. The 20-year savings on replacing a single candescent bulb with a LED would be $288 [11]. Representing up to 80% energy reduction. knowing that on average LED lights are about 80% more energy efficient. So, going back to Hydro Quebec, I find that Lighting makes up about 5% of the total consumption. Thats a 54% savings per year on utilities. And seeing as the work needs to be done regardless, this seems to be motivation enough to do it right the first time and move towards energy efficiency over the long term.
Also, installing daylight and occupancy sensors would help achieve additional electricity savings by turning off the retrofitted LED lighting fixtures when the spaces are not occupied.
[1] The Government of Canada, “,” 14 Feb 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10 Oct 2018].
[5] National Capital Commission, “Official Residences of Canada, Asset Portfolio Condition Report,” Ottawa, 2018.
[6] B. Freas, “Retrofits Are Key to an Energy Efficient Building Stock,”, 13 april 2016.