Assignment outcomes: Develop a framework for analyzing and understand KM key concepts for the organization. Make decisions related to managing the knowledge process in the organization and provide an appreciation of knowledge activities and their relationship, other business functions and enterprises. Know the component parts of the knowledge system and provide the understanding of how to combine these components into an effective process. Assignment: 1 (Marks: 5) Knowledge Management comprises a range of practices used by organizations to identify, create, represent, and distribute knowledge for reuse, awareness, and learning across the organizations. Knowledge is often defined as a “justified personal belief.” There are many taxonomies that specify various kinds of knowledge. Some knowledge is embedded in business processes, activities, and relationships that have been created over time through the implementation of a continuing series of improvements. Being the student of this course, you are required to recall the SECI process of knowledge conversion and answer the following questions: Q1. How an organization can generate the knowledge? (Marks 1) Q2. Consider an area of expertise you have developed within the past 4 years. Using phases of knowledge conversion process as guide, review how you developed your knowledge and capabilities in this area? (Marks 2) Q3. Imagine you are the new area manager of a large franchise store, which has three franchise and a central office. How will you efficiently manage each of these four process (SECI)? (Marks 2) Note: Provide solution of each question as per allocated marks.


Knowledge Management

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation


Date of Submission


Question 2

The effort to generate new knowledge is strategically at the mind of any institutional aggressive advantage and at times the topic is not considered as element of knowledge management as it borders and overlaps with innovation management. An organization can typically create knowledge through engaging in constant practice, collaboration, regular interaction and education of its stakeholders as various knowledge types are continuously shared and converted from one person to the next. Information technology is also significant in knowledge creation as it creates the opportunity for data sharing thus allowing executives to carry a detailed analysis in an organization (Hislop, 2013).

Question 2

Teaching has been an area of expertise that has been dramatically contributed by the four modes of knowledge conversion. In the socialization phase, there was the sharing of data and knowledge on a face-to-face conversation with the teachers who typically shared the tacit knowledge. In the externalization phase, there was the constant creation of teaching documents thus allowing the sharing of information. The combination phase was strategically developed through the use of electronic equipment such as computers in carrying out research thus led to the development of explicit knowledge. Finally, the internalization phase was essential in developing teaching as an area of expertise as the constant interaction with the students initiated the connection between ideas and concepts.

Question 3

As a manager of a large franchise store, the four processes can be easily managed through the incorporation of information technology into its operations (Hislop, 2013). Computers will typically allow quick sharing and creation of knowledge since tacit knowledge is embodied in the workers while explicit knowledge is in different information repositories such as the internet. Knowledge management should, therefore, look into a range of options and practical techniques for each of the essential conversation steps.



Hislop, D. (2013). Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press.


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