Que. 1 Planning is a useless endeavor because developments in e-business and e-commerce and in the political, economic, and societal environments are moving too quickly nowadays. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Ans. First and foremost, we don’t know precisely what we are looking for, however we can at present make general arrangements, graph a course. Anticipating the future does not mean we are diviners, it just methods we have a heading to move in, and as the future brings transforms, we can change our course in like manner.
Certainly, I do not agree with the above statement of planning is useless because at any level planning in life for anything is extremely important. In addition, it gives a structure to settling on choices by building up objectives, targets, and methodologies. It is situated toward the future and includes a familiarity with how the present choices will influence tomorrow’s chances. Arranging is basic for accomplishing both short-and long-run authoritative objectives, and fruitful directors are persistently arranging.
Furthermore, organizing guesses business-related threats and empowers real coordination. It hopes to give most important returns in any event possible cost. Plans lead to exercises, exercises produce results, and some segment of masterminding is picking up from the results in order to make changes and alter in case it doesn’t make the required results. Of course, I believe in future planning because it helps to hike efficiency and organizing ability, get proper direction and improved coordination, encouragement for creativity and innovation with proper decision making and supreme control. REFERENCES Marakas, G. M., & O’brien, J. A. (2018). Introduction to information systems: chapter 11 Business/IT strategies for development (16th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. M-connect. (n.d.). E-commerce business plan ” why and how? Retrieved from nnectmedia.com/blog/e-commerce-business-plan-why-and-how/Que. 4 What planning methods would you use to develop business/IT strategies and applications for your own business? Explain your choices. Ans. For development of business I would like to adopt issue-based strategic planning model and alignment strategic model to the supremacy of business in this competitive world. Moreover, in the both approaches help to enhance and identify the requirement for business plans and by using this model business thinkers get ideas regarding SWOT analysis, good coordination with stakeholders identify higher chunk of issues and principle goals, and also, I will use plan-do-check-act action plan and well development of financial budgets. Ultimately, it increases the business process automation in my business. In addition, system likewise has a decent association with the providers and along these lines picking up the generally upper hand over the contenders. Furthermore, strategies such as cost leadership, differentiation and innovation would be certainly used by me to get sustainability in market. REFERENCES Essays, UK. (November 2018). Strategic alignment. Retrieved from A. (2015). Importance of business process automation in competitive businessenvironment. Retrieved from P. (2015). Know all about strategic planning process model. Retrieved from 5 What are several e-business and e-commerce strategies and applications that should be developed and implemented by many companies today? Explain your reasoning. Ans. Channel authority utilize the Internet as a deals and administration channel and additionally its enhancements instead of replaces, the current physical business workplaces and call focuses. Channel reconfiguration-utilize the Internet as another channel to legitimately get to clients, make deals, and satisfy orders. This model enhancements, instead of replaces, physical appropriation and showcasing channels. Store network trend-setter utilize the Internet to streamline the associations among all gatherings in the inventory network to improve working effectiveness. Exchange go-between utilize the Internet to process buys. This exchange model incorporates the start to finish procedure of looking, contrasting, choosing, and paying on the web. Infomediary utilize the Internet to diminish the pursuit cost. Offer the client a brought together procedure for gathering data important to make a huge buy. Self-administration pioneer utilizes the Internet to give an exhaustive suite of administrations that the client’s workers can utilize straightforwardly. Self-administration bears representatives an immediate, customized relationship. Market maker utilize the Internet to characterize another market by recognizing a one of clients need. This model expects you to be among the first to advertise and to stay in front of rivalry by ceaselessly innovating. REFERENCES Wikipedia. (n.d.). E-government. Retrieved from B. (2014). 18 major benefits of e-commerce business for retailers & customers 2018. Retrieved from 7 How can a company use change management to minimize the resistance to, and maximize the acceptance of, changes in business and technology? Give several examples. Ans. At certain level, for any better methodology for doing things delivers some resistance from the overall public impacted; thus, to crush this obstacle from the affected people, any new change to the working environment ought to be totally discussed with the customary customers. It requires affiliation and duty of top organization and a formal methodology or definitive structure. Incorporates human resource the board. It consolidates works out, for instance, making innovative ways to deal with check, stir, and compensate execution. Similarly included is arranging undertakings to enroll and get ready agents in the middle abilities required in an advancing workplace. Incorporates researching and describing all movements facing the affiliation, and making undertakings to decrease the perils and costs, and to support the upsides of advancement. REFERENCES Rick, T. (2014). Top 14+ key elements in reducing resistance to change. Retrieved from 10 What major business changes beyond e-business and e-commerce do you think most companies should be planning for in the next 10 years? Explain your choices. Ans. In this context, I believe that associations should start organizing and contributing on M-Commerce. Adaptable Commerce can be delineated in direct words as, ‘business trades that are made by methods for PDAs’. There is a great deal of convenient business applications on the business so far with which we are getting benefitted from various perspectives. Applications that help convenient banking, territory maps, news, flexible shopping, ticketing and compact record sharing are on the higher solicitations, as for now. Society will end up being progressively stressed over security issues, and associations will process and securing extensively greater proportions of data. Information getting ready prerequisites will augment, along these lines will the elements of prosperity stress as affiliations solicitation to a consistently expanding degree. These issues will finish up genuine business challenges in the accompanying ten years. REFERENCES Marakas, G. M., & O’brien, J. A. (2018). Introduction to information systems: chapter 11 Business/IT strategies for development (16th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.