In our school we have policies and procedures in place in how to respond to accidents, incidents, emergencies and illness and procedures for reporting and recording these incidents. If an accident does happen, and it results in an injury to a child, the teacher will do all she/he can to aid the child concerned. The school keeps first aid boxes in various locations around the school such as in our key stage one building we have a first aid box in the nursery kitchen, also in the breakfast club room.
Key stage two building has a fist aid box stored in the first aid room and one in the school office, every member of staff know where these are kept. At lunch time a member of staff will get the first aid boxes and move them into a nearby classroom so if any accidents are occurred staff can get to the first aid boxes. There are many members of staff at our school who are first aid qualified there are lists throughout the school stating what members of staff are first aid qualified.
There will always be a member of staff on site who has been trained in first aid during school hours and for after school clubs. . If a child has an accident at the setting and requires first aid then the relevant qualified member of staff will use the first aid kit which is easily accessible and regularly checked. When an accident occurs we fill out accident sheets which details what has happened where and what treatment was given. We keep one form in the office for the schools record and one letter is given to parent informing them of what accident the child has had.
If the accident is more severe the child is taken to the office where they will call home and ask the parent/ carer to come and collect the child, and advise them to take the child home or to accident and emergency. As a school we have the duty to inform ofsted and the health and safety executive of any injury that requires treatment by a medical professional or in the vent of the death. Reviewing the accident book half termly this allows us to identify any potential or actual hazards. I am a qualified first aider at my school so I have dealt with many different accidents from minor injuries to some more serious.
As I work as a midday assistant i work out on the playground at lunch times, i have had a child who had fallen over and grazed their knee, I took them into the classroom where we do first aid. I cleaned their knee and applied a plaster if I felt it was needed. ( making sure that are allowed to wear plasters and are not allergic to them) I then documented the accident down on the forms that the school provides, as this accident was just a grazed knee a letter to the parents was not needed but the teacher at the end of the day would inform the parents.
I had a child recently playing football at lunch and he fell over on the concrete and hit his nose when he stood up he felt dizzy and said he hurt his nose, i took him to the first aid room and gave him first aid I was concerned about the way his nose looked, so I called upon another member of staff and they agreed that his nose did not look right. So I took the child to the reception so they could phone home and advise the parent to come and collect him.
The parents came straight up the school and took the child to accident and emergency centre, I documented down what had happened and made sure when he was picked up he gave a letter to his parent too. The child came in the next day and said that he had broken his nose. If this situation was to happen again I feel that I should be more confident in my first aid skills and take the child straight to the office and get them to check the child instead of having to call on another member of staff for reassurance.
In the event of an incident occurring at our setting we record it in our Incident book which is kept in the main school office. An incident could be a break in or theft, vandalism, dangerous occurrence, injury or fatality. In the incident book we record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done by it- or if it was reported to the police if so the crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, should also be recorded.
As a school we comply with HSE regulations and report them to the health and safety executive. We had a security incident recently in our school there was two people standing at our school gates at lunch time a colleague of mine went and approached the people to find out what they wanted, it turned out it was just a parent wanting to give a child a teddy bear for their teddy bear picnic the parents were advised to go to the main office this incident was then reported to the head teacher and documented in the schools incident book.
In our school we have our emergency procedures displayed at specific points around the setting so that no matter where you are there is a copy within easy view such as the toilets or the main office waiting area. These procedures state what to do in the event of a fire or evacuation. We carry out regular fire drills so that the children know what to expect and also to help us identify any issues with our procedure.
The dates and time taken to carry out fire drills are recorded. We had our practice fire drill recently in our school and I was playing with some children in the nursery garden and we did not hear the fire drill outside, so when we took the children to the fire assembly point, (which is our school field) once they had confirmed everyone was there they asked if there was any issues and I spoke to the head teacher and notified her of the problem that we had.
The head teacher then arranged for a new outside fire bell to be fitted and done another fire drill to make sure that you could hear the new bell outside. We have set rules for children who are sick or are infectious this will be the period of time that we require a child to stay at home, for example if a child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea or chicken pox the reason for this is to protect all children in our environment.
When infectious illness is discovered such as head lice on a child the parents of all the children in that class will receive a text from our school office system notifying them that head lice is within that class room, this is so that parents check their Childs hair. If a child, following consultation with a qualified medical professional has an infectious disease which is on the notifiable diseases list then Ofsted are informed.
If a child becomes ill whilst at the setting there parent/carer are called, if they are not available we have a list of authorised emergency contacts who can come and collect the child, until such time the child is cared for in an appropriate area of the setting. If a child becomes unwell and is a cause for serious concern then an ambulance would be called. Certain illnesses as Meningitis need rapid action, We also have procedures and specific cleaning kit for use on spilled bodily fluids although as a school we don’t usually have to deal with bodily fluids.
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