Answered! What does high performance mean? Drawing from relevant reference materials, define high performance and what…

What does high performance mean? Drawing from relevant reference materials, define high performance and what constructs/topics/areas are important to determine if a health organization is ‘high performing?’ Then identify two different high performing health care organizations and discuss how each has addressed the criteria for high performance.

Expert Answer

 High performance means to do something above what actually it is target for or to do something more than which is intended to do. The performance should be measurable in terms of revenue generation, customer satisfaction or long term impact.

Here an article which describes the key performance indicators for a healthcare segment. The performance are measured based on the proper diagnostic practices, collective information and proper documentation of medical records, standerdisation of process, reducing turn around time , reduction of waiting time, timely intervention and solution of critical situation etc.

High performance are calculated based on the benchmarking practices generally followed in the industry. If the healthcare organisation is able to deliver more than the industrial standards they can be considered as higher performers. Following the regulations within the stipulated guidelines, ready to accept challenges and resolve the issues and become a case study for appropritae te healthcare solution should be recognised properly. Structures, process and outcome all have equal importance while analysing the performance grade of healthcare segments.This helps in evaluating the organisation through quality enhancement and high precision delivery of service.Sustainability practices which focus on continous improvement activities should be the grade for selecion of high performance.

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