Answered! What do you think of the declarative nature of SQL? "Declarative" means Non-Procedural; you don't have to write code with loops and tests….

What do you think of the declarative nature of SQL? “Declarative” means Non-Procedural; you don’t have to write code with loops and tests.

Expert Answer

 SQL is declarative because we can declare our own variables where we no need to create a function the functions are pre defined we just need how to implement that function.

the database itself have the power to define the procedure on how to solve the problem

the SQL databases runs on their own algorithm

the programmers designed SQL as declarative because of the commom term we use like select ,like, where and from so the SQL is designed to handle all the situations

the databases needs some clue to know where the functions are to be applied .

the SQL nature are always standard based,transparent,continous evolution

SQL are context independent because they only give result not how the result are solved

the system can alot the memory on its own way so that it can manage the function that are called for processing

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