Answered! We learned from lecture slides how to read a UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram. Here we use one to tell us…

Need help in JAVAWe learned from lecture slides how to read a UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram. Here we use one to tell us what class name, member fields, and member methods to code. GeoLocation EARTH RADIUS MILES double 3963.1676 latitude double longitude double GeoLocation0 GeoLocation lat double, lon double) setLatitude(lat double) void get Latitude doub set Longitude (lat: double) void getLongitude0 double distanceFrom(o GeoLocation) double Note this has different parameters than the one from Program 2a. But the formula is the same. On our Blackboard Web site you will find the new code Testing Writing a program to test your code is a common practice. YOU WILL NOT TURN THE TEST PROGRAM IN A simple way to do this is to open r file, called TestGeo (or whatever, write a main method that anothe 1. instantiates a GeoLocation object using the no-arg constructor 2. print getLatitude and getLongitude return values (should be zeros 3. call the setters 4. print again to show values were modified to whatever values you passed in 5. repeat Steps 1-4 but use the GeoLocation two-arg constructor

We learned from lecture slides how to read a UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram. Here we use one to tell us what class name, member fields, and member methods to code. EARTH_RADIUS_MILES:double = 3963.1676 latitude:double longitude:double + GeoLocation() + GeoLocation(lat:double, Ion:double) + setLatitude(lat:double):void + getLatitude():double + setLongitude(lat:double):void + getLongitude():double + distanceFrom(o:GeoLocation):double Writing a program to test your code is a common practice. YOU WILL NOT TURN THE TEST PROGRAM IN! A simple way to do this is to open another file, called TestGeo (or whatever), write a main() method that instantiates a GeoLocation object using the no-arg constructor print getLatitude() and getLongitude() return values (should be zeros) call the setters print again to show values were modified to whatever values you passed in repeat Steps 1- 4 but use the GeoLocation two-arg constructor

Expert Answer

 import java.util.*;

import java.lang.*;

class GeoLocation
private static double radius = 3963.1676;
private double latitude;
private double longitude;

public GeoLocation() //no argument constructor
latitude = 0;
longitude = 0;

public GeoLocation(double latitude,double longitude)//argument constructor
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
//set and get methods for latitude and longitude
public void setLatitude(double latitude)
this.latitude = latitude;
public double getLatitude()
return latitude;

public void setLongitude(double longitude)
this.longitude = longitude;
public double getLongitude()
return longitude;
public double distanceFrom(GeoLocation o)//calculate distance between two Geolocation objects

double dLat = Math.toRadians(this.latitude – o.latitude);
double dLng = Math.toRadians(this.longitude – o.longitude);
double a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.cos(Math.toRadians(o.latitude)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(o.latitude)) *
Math.sin(dLng/2) * Math.sin(dLng/2);
double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
double dist = (double) (radius * c);

return dist;


class TestGeo
public static void main (String[] args)
GeoLocation loc1 = new GeoLocation();
System.out.println(“nLoc1: Latitude : “+ loc1.getLatitude());
System.out.println(“nLongitude : “+ loc1.getLongitude());


System.out.println(“nLoc1 :Latitude : “+ loc1.getLatitude());
System.out.println(“nLongitude : “+ loc1.getLongitude());

GeoLocation loc2 = new GeoLocation(34.5,56.23);
System.out.println(“nLoc2 : Latitude : “+ loc2.getLatitude());
System.out.println(“nLongitude : “+ loc2.getLongitude());

System.out.println(“nDistance from loc1 to loc2 : “+loc1.distanceFrom(loc2));



Loc1: Latitude : 0.0

Longitude : 0.0

Loc1 :Latitude : 44.34

Longitude : 77.65

Loc2 : Latitude : 34.5

Longitude : 56.23

Distance from loc1 to loc2 : 1398.5772992626707

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