Using matlab to solve equation
PCM for Sound Processing
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% from
% modified by JEC for CSE408 HW3
clear all;
f = 2; % input frequency 2Hz
fs = 20; % sampling at 20Hz
Ts = 1/fs;
fss = 1.e4; % fine sampling for the time axis 10k sampls/sec
Tss = 1/fss;
t = 0:Tss:2-Tss; % continuous time axis, 2 seconds, 20k samples
d = Ts/40:Ts:2+Ts/40; % discrete time axis 41 samples starting at…
% a very small value, 1/40 of the Sampling Period
% rectangular pulses 1/Ts wide are 20 samples (1/fs*25)/(1/Tss)) wide in the t scale (which
% is 10000Hz, while fs is 20Hz
p = pulstran(t,d,’rectpuls’,1/(fs*25));
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% Analog MSG Signal
% =================
% simple sinusoid at f (2fps) with a +shift of 1.1 to keep all values above
% zero
m = sin(2*pi*f*t)+1.1; % constant 1.1 is added so all values are positive
% HW part 1
% comment the line above (and assign a new value to it)
% add 1Hz 25% amplitude modulation to the input m, i.e. positive
% amplitude variation between 0.75 and 1.25
% Hint: the modulating sin or cos amplitude is 0.25, so you need to add 1.0
% observe the reconstructed signal, why is it not correct?
% what adjustment do you need to do to the signal so the dynamic range
% remains as before?
% insert your code here..