Write a C program. Finish incomplete code
Reads user info from standar input, outputs modified versions of the records.
#define SIZE 10
#define SIZE2 40
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char name[SIZE], wage[SIZE], age[SIZE];
char resu[SIZE2], resu2[SIZE2], resu3[SIZE2];
printf(“Enter name, age and wage (xxx to quit): “);
scanf(“%s %s %s”, name, age, wage);
while ()
/* use scanf to read again */
return 0;
The program uses loop to read inputs (from standard in), one input per line, about the user information in the form of name age wage, where name is a word (with no space), age s an integer literal, and wage is a floating point literal with up to 2 decimal number. See sample input below uses scanf S s s” name, age, wage) to read in three input ‘strings where name, age and wage are of type charl201 The program should after reading each line of inputs, creates a char [40] string resu for the modified version of the input. In the modified version ofinput, the first letter of name is capitalized age becomes age 10, and wage has 100% increases with 3 digit after decimal point, followed by the floor and ceiling of the increase wage. The values are separated by dashes as shown below. How to create resu?) then duplicate/copy resu to resu2 using a library function declared in string.h then duplicate/copy resu to resu3 using a library function declared in
Expert Answer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define SIZE 10
#define SIZE2 40
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char name[SIZE], wage[SIZE], age[SIZE];
char resu[SIZE2], resu2[SIZE2], resu3[SIZE2];
double wage_d;
int age_i;
printf(“Enter name, age and wage(XXX to quit): “);
scanf(“%s %s %s”, name, age, wage);
/* program will quit when user enters XXX as input for ‘name’ variable */
if(strcmp(name, “XXX”) == 0)
/* converting the first character of name to upper case */
/* we cannot do arithmetic on character array. Hence converting to integer and adding 10 to age */
age_i = atoi(age) + 10;
/* we cannot do arithmetic on character array. Hence converting to float value and increasing the wage to 100% */
wage_d = atof(wage) * 2;
/* printing the formatted string in required format in resu character array */
sprintf(resu, “%s-%d-%.3f-%.0f-%.0f”, name, age_i, wage_d, floor(wage_d), ceil(wage_d));
/* copying character array resu to resu2 using strcpy library function from string.h */
strcpy(resu2, resu);
/* copying character array resu to res3 using sprintf library function from stdio.h */
sprintf(resu3, “%s”, resu);
printf(“n%s %s %sn”, resu, resu2, resu3);
return 0;
Execution and output:
Unix Terminal> ./a.out
Enter name, age and wage(XXX to quit): ying 22 33.33
Ying-32-66.660-66-67 Ying-32-66.660-66-67 Ying-32-66.660-66-67Unix Terminal> vi sample.c
Unix Terminal> cc sample.c
Unix Terminal> ./a.out
Enter name, age and wage(XXX to quit): ying 22 33.33
Ying-32-66.660-66-67 Ying-32-66.660-66-67 Ying-32-66.660-66-67
Unix Terminal> ./a.out
Enter name, age and wage(XXX to quit): john 60 1.0
John-70-2.000-2-2 John-70-2.000-2-2 John-70-2.000-2-2
Unix Terminal> ./a.out
Enter name, age and wage(XXX to quit): lisa 30 1.34
Lisa-40-2.680-2-3 Lisa-40-2.680-2-3 Lisa-40-2.680-2-3
Unix Terminal> ./a.out
Enter name, age and wage(XXX to quit): XXX XXX XXX
Unix Terminal>