Answered! The following formulas are used for calculating the "equivalent resistance" in electric circuits. Series resistance:R_eq…

The following formulas are used for calculating the equivalent resistance in electric circuits Series resistance Req R1 R2 R3 Series circuit -WM WM Parallel resistance Red Parallel circuit R2 R1 R2 R3 To calculate the total current total in a combinational circuit like the following figure, it is enough to use the following formula A2 total D where V is source voltage. eq Write a code in c programing asking two questions: o The type of resistors model (p for parallel and s for series) o The number of resistors (maximum 3) The voltage supply is a fixed value 24 volts. Calculate the equivalent resistance and report it Calculate the total current and report it If user entered the number of resistors anything except 1,2 and 3, the program should create a message and ask the user to run the code again and use the correct number Hint: use switches or else-if statements.

The following formulas are used for calculating the “equivalent resistance” in electric circuits. Series resistance:R_eq = R_1 + R_2 + R_3 +. .. Parallel resistance:R_eq = 1/(1/R_1 + 1/R_2 + 1/R_3 +. . .) To calculate the total current (I_total) in a combinational circuit like the following figure, it is enough to use the following formula. I_total = V/R_eq where V is source voltage. Write a code in c programing asking two questions: The type of resistors model (p for parallel and s for series) The number of resistors (maximum 3) The voltage supply is a fixed value 24 volts. Calculate the equivalent resistance and report it. Calculate the total current and report it. If user entered the number of resistors anything except 1, 2 and 3, the program should create a message and ask the user to run the code again and use the correct number.

Expert Answer

 Program :

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float resistance,eq_resistance=0,I;   // variable declaration
int v=24,number,i; // variable declaration
char ch,ch1;       // variable declaration
printf(“Enter p for parallel circuit and s for series circuit: “);
scanf(“%c”,&ch);           // accept the choice
printf(“Enter number of resistors (maximum 3): “);
scanf(“%d”,&number);               // Accept number of resistors
while(number>3||number<1)     // check number of resistors between 1 to 3
printf(“Enter number resistors between 1 to 3: “);
if(ch==’p’)              // if choice is parallel circuit
for(i=1;i<=number;i++)   // loop runs from 1 to the number
printf(“Enter resistance of %d resistor: “,i);
scanf(“%f”,&resistance);          // accept the resistance
eq_resistance+=1/resistance; // calculate equivalent resistance
printf(“Enter resistance of %d resistor: “,i);
scanf(“%f”,&resistance);          // accept resistance
eq_resistance+=resistance;    // calculate equivalent resistance
I=v/eq_resistance;                       // calculate the current
printf(“Total current I = %fn”,I);
return 0;

Output :

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