Answered! The equation for the resulting deflections is y=−w48EI(2×4−3Lx3+L3x)yw48EI2x43Lx3L3x…

The equation for the resulting deflections is


Use the following parameter values in your computation (making sure that you use consistent units): L = 400 cm, E = 52,000 kN/cm2I = 32,000 cm4, and w = 4 kN/cm.

Develop a MATLAB script that plots the function dy/dx versus x (with appropriate labels) and use bisectnew to determine the point of maximum deflection (i.e., the value of xwhere dy/dx = 0). Then substitute this value into the deflection equation to determine the value of the maximum deflection.

Employ initial guesses of xl = 0 and xu = 0.9 L.

In addition, use Ead = 0.0000001 m. Also, set format long in your script so you display 15 significant digits for your results.

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