Answered! subject… assembly language,, If you know Assembly language,,,x86,,,,,,,,asm ,,, then answer please,,,,…

subject… assembly language,,

If you know Assembly language,,,x86,,,,,,,,asm ,,, then answer please,,,,

I have a question and i have the answer,,, but ineed tto evaluate my answer,,,,

question is:
Implement a simple 4 functios calculator for 3 digits entry.

The user will enter 2 digits for the first and the second numbers.

The user will chose between the operation type +,-,* or /

The result will be displayed.

Work with 32 bits variables and regist

use x86. asm

answer is:

con msg
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg
int 21h

data segment
buf1 db “Enter a decimal number : $”
buf2 db 0ah, “Invalid Decimal Number…$”
buf3 db 0ah, “Equivalent hexadecimal number is : $”
buf4 db 6
db 0
db 6 dup(0)
multiplier db 0ah
data ends

code segment
assume cs:code, ds:data
start :
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax

con buf1

mov ah, 0ah
lea dx, buf4
int 21h

mov si, offset buf4 + 2
mov cl, byte ptr [si-1]
mov ch, 00h
subtract :
mov al, byte ptr [si]
cmp al, 30h
jnb cont1
con buf2
jmp stop
cont1 :
cmp al, 3ah
jb cont2
con buf2
jmp stop
cont2 :
sub al, 30h
mov byte ptr [si], al

inc si
loop subtract

mov si, offset buf4 + 2
mov cl, byte ptr [si-1]
mov ch, 00h
mov ax, 0000h
calc :
mul multiplier
mov bl, byte ptr [si]
mov bh, 00h
add ax, bx
inc si
loop calc

mov si, offset buf4 + 2
mov bx, ax
mov dx, 0000h
mov ax, 1000h
convert :
mov cx, 0000h
conv :
cmp bx, ax
jb cont3
sub bx, ax
inc cx
jmp conv
cont3 :
cmp cx, 0ah
jb cont4
add cl, 37h
jmp cont5
cont4 :
add cl, 30h
cont5 :
mov byte ptr [si], cl
inc si
mov cx, 0010h
div cx
cmp ax, 0000h
jnz convert

mov byte ptr [si], ‘$’
con buf3
con buf4+2
stop :
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start


new question is: Can someone please implement a calculator…… so the user can enter as many digits as they want for each number*******

take your time,,, no rush,,

i promise to give you thumbs up….

Please send me a copyable answer,,, with out put,,,, use ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X86        asm

Expert Answer

 section .data
    ; Messages
 mesg1        db      n,'-Calculator-',n,0
 lmesg1       equ     $ - mesg1
 mesg2        db      n,'Number 1: ',0
 lmesg2       equ     $ - mesg2
mesg3        db      'Number 2: ',0
lmesg3       equ     $ - mesg3
mesg4        db      n,'1. Add',n,0
lmesg4       equ     $ - mesg4

mesg5        db      '2. Subtract',n,0
lmesg5       equ     $ - mesg5

mesg6        db      '3. Multiply',n,0
lmesg6       equ     $ - mesg6

mesg7        db      '4. Divide',n,0
lmesg7       equ     $ - mesg7
mesg8        db      'Operation: ',0
lmesg8       equ     $ - mesg8

mesg9        db      n,'Result: ',0
lmesg9       equ     $ - mesg9

mesg10       db      n,'Invalid Option',n,0
lmesg10      equ     $ - mesg10
section .bss
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