(Storage) Consider a relation S with the following schema: S(a int, b float, c char(1)). Consider the following small instance of S:
Table S
1 57.0 F
2 12.0 S
3 4.0 T
Assume that S is stored in a heap file on disk. Assume also a page size of 8KB (8192 bytes), 4-byte integers, and 8-byte floats.
Draw a schematic representation of the Heap file page on disk storing the S instance.
The size of each S tuple in bytes is 4+8+20 or 32 bytes. How many S tuples fit on one page? Assume a page header is 20 bytes. How many pages are necessary to hold an instance of S with 1000 tuples (remember the space necessary for the page header)?
Perform the following sequence of operations drawing schematic representations at each step.
Insert(4,14.8, F);
Update(1) to (1,59.0, F)