Question 26
What strategic planning process model can you design to facilitate strategy implementation in the public and third sector organizations? [3 Marks]
Expert Answer
Strategic planning for third sector(hospitals, institutions, colleges) and public sector organizations creates a complex transactions. This complications arises due to inter and intra organizational interaction and coordination. To make strategic decision most of US governmental departments admitted that their decisions often fail to produce action, so they consult both internal and external department before taking actions. Similar problems occurred in case of third sector as they coordinate strategy formulations with their professionals, like physician in hospitals, lawyer, professors etc.
Therefore to create strategy following strategy process should be analyzed-
- Emulate secretaries of successful US government departments, as a coalition who identifies contextual features, and carried out situational assessment.
- Coalition will try to identify strategy by formulating issue agenda. He will discover ideas and set the priorities according to needs to deal with situational issues and context.
- Situational analysis like analysis of person, group or organization should be created because their concerns and interest are important in strategic process.
- Set specific targets, goals and objective of process
- A set of action strategies should be created to accomplish objectives and goals.