Answered! Please write a book review ( One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson . Please donot copy paste…

Please write a book review ( One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson . Please donot copy paste form another source. Lengh 1-2 pages word 12 font pt. Try to cover all the things in it. Kindly write as soon as possible within 24 hours please 🙂 ….

Expert Answer

 Book Review

Book Title: One Minute Manager

Book Author: Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson

This is an interesting book unlike any other book of its genre. The book has been written in story format. As soon as you start reading it you will feel curious & will feel like reading it completely as soon as possible. The book has been translated into more than 37 languages. This 100 page book is about the story of a young man who is in search of an effective manager. His search help him to categorize managers into two categories: a) autocratic or hard-nosed managers who knows how to get thinga done from their staff & earn profits & such kind of managers are not usually liked by their staff. b) democratic or nice managers who motivate their staff to participate in decision making & are usually very kind to their employees. But the young man wanted to find someone who possess good qualities of each type of manager mentioned above. Finally the man finds someone whom he find very effective as a manager. This one called himself ‘One Minute Manager’. He is neither result oriented nor people oriented. He values both of them equally. There were three secrets behind his success. These secrets made him a productive & efficient manager. These secrets were:

1) One Minute Goal Setting: Agree on goals with staff members. This helps them to know what is expected from them since the very beginning. The authors advocate the 80-20 goal-setting rule: that 80% of your really important results will come from 20% of your goals. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of paper using less than 250 words. Read and re-read each goal, which requires only a minute or so each time you do it. Take a minute every once in a while out of your day to look at your performance, and see whether or not your behavior matches your goal.

2) One Minute Praisings: One minute praisings are also effective for motivational reasons. Managers spend most of their time in catching whether any employee is doing something wrong instead of this they should focus on what the employees are doing right. This will motivate employees & help them to reach their full potential & they will be able to produce good results. One minute praising works when you tell people how good you feel about what they did right and how it helps the organization and the other people who work there & encourage them to do more of the same. Also shake hands or touch people in a way that makes it clear that you support their success in the organization.

3) One Minute Reprimand: It is the final secret to effective managing. Feedback on results is a very important motivator of people. Whenever an employee does something wrong, which is well below his potential then a reprimand is necessary to avoid mistakes in the future. There are two half in reprimanding an employee.

a) Reprimand them immediately. Be specific in telling them what they did wrong & tell them how you feel about what they did wrong.

b) Remind them how much you value them, reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their performance in this situation & realize that when the reprimand is over, it’s over.

In this book the author also gives three choices as to how a manager can get most out of an employee:

  1. Hire a winner.
  2. Hire someone who has the potential to become a winner & then train them accordingly.
  3. Prayer.

According to him the second choice is the best.


This book lays down the basic foundation for good leadership & being a good manager. The story one minute manager admits that management cannot always be performed in a minute. It is more a symbol of the idea that managing people can be much less complicated that we think. There’s no need for endless sessions to discuss objectives and problems. Sometimes needs to be invested to establish goals, but after that the contact between boss and subordinate can be minimal. There are various ways mentioned in the book which can help to make the good working environment i.e., a place where people can enjoy their work. I suggest all the future managers to read this book so that they can provide their employees a comfortable work environment which will be reflected in the productivity of the firm.

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