Answered! Please answer the questions below by comparing ADVENTURE AIRLINES to the other airlines…

Please answer the questions below by comparing ADVENTURE AIRLINES to the other airlines

Yield Net Stock Debt Return Cumulative Cumulative per Profit Price Seat Seat Current Turnover to Net Profit Revenue Passenger Quality Reliability Load Productivity Mile Ratio Company Equity Sales 94.6 3.423 -0.123 -570,912 Dream Airlines (a) -517,244 11.70 45 4.2 0.177 2.224 10,002,466 -432,625 6,228,259 92.2 4.051 -0.057 Adventure Airlines (b) 39,943 12.02 53 50 5.0 0.198 8.510 -339,538 8,207,498 Worldwide Airways (c) 95,312 12.71 87 98.7 0.183 0.340 5.646 -0.052 53 5.7 Avion Airways (d) -245,437 12.38 72 -394,505 7,311,249 95.6 67 5.7 0.193 3.537 3.945 -0,083 552,258 12.17 90 AirLux (e) 98.7 37 3.3 0.172 3.191 5.485 -0.108 -761,777 9,276,974

1. SWOT – The first step is to determine where you are by doing a SWOT analysis – identify your internal Strengths and Weaknesses and your external Opportunities and Threats. Make a grid and fill in the blanks. Use two columns and two sections. Internally analyze human, financial, technological resources, culture, etc. Externally examine the economy, political/regulatory, social/demographic, technology, competition, etc.

2. Implementation Process – what steps must be taken – indicate who will do what and by when. I do a quick monthly review to see what is on target, what is falling behind, what follow-up is needed, etc. This gives me a visual update and reminds me of my targets and how I am progressing.

3. Evaluation and Measurement – how will you know you’ve successfully achieved the objectives (this is why each must be stated so it is specific, quantifiable and measurable). As you get more sophisticated, a set of balanced scorecard measure is an ideal way to track, measure, and communicate your progress, but for now just determine how each objective will be measured.

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