Part I:
Write a Java class named to represent a Car type
Create a new Java class named Car that has the following fields:
year – The year field is an int that holds a cars year model (e.g. 2010)
make – The make field is a String object that holds the make of the car (e.g. “Porsche”)
speed – The speed field is an double that holds a cars current speed (e.g. 25.0)
In addition, the Car class should have the following methods.
Constructor – The constructor should accept the cars year, make, and beginning speed as arguments
These values should be used to initialize the Cars year, make, and speed fields
Getter Methods – Write three accessor (getter) methods to get the values stored in an object fields:
getYear(), getMake(), getSpeed()
accelerate – Write an accelerate method that has no arguments (parameters) passed to it and adds 1 to the speed field each time it is called For example: if the car was going 3 mph, accelerate would set the speed to 4 mph
Part II: Write driver (tester) class named that uses your Car class:
1. create a new Car object
2. call accelerate method twice
3. printout car speed
Expert Answer
class Car {
private int year;/*year field holds a cars year model (e.g. 2010)*/
private String make;/*make field holds the maker of the car (e.g. “Porsche”)*/
private double speed;/*speed field holds car’s current speed (e.g. 25.0)*/
/*constructor accepts the cars year, make, and beginning speed as arguments
* & initializes the Cars year, make, and speed fields
public Car(int y,String m,double s)
/*three accessor (getter) methods to get the values stored in an object fields*/
public int getYear()
return this.year;
public String getMake()
return this.make;
public double getSpeed()
return this.speed;
/*accelerate method that has no arguments (parameters) passed to it
* and adds 1 to the speed field */
public void accelerate()
double newSpeed= this.getSpeed() + 1;
this.speed = newSpeed;
/*————————-Part II :———————————————————*/
/*driver (tester) class named that uses Car class*/
public class CarTester
public static void main(String[] args)
/*new Car object is created with proper arguments*/
Car myCar = new Car(2010,”Porsche”,25.0);
System.out.println(“Car’s begging speed was “+myCar.getSpeed());
System.out.println(“After calling accelerate method twice “);
/*accelerate method is called twice*/
/*Displaying car’s current speed*/
System.out.println(“Car’s current speed is “+myCar.getSpeed());